Chapter 57: Bad Idea.

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Nicole and Amelia's outfits above.

Amelia Black


"Hey! Where are you?" She asks over the phone.

"On my way."

Today is Nicole's birthday. Emily and I have been planning it for the past couple of weeks and we're so excited because the birthday girl has no idea.

"You were supposed to be here an hour ago."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Are you avoiding me or something?"

"What? No!" I quickly lie. Thank you, Brian! I suck at keeping secrets, okay? The last thing I want is to blurt out to Emily her dad is in love with someone other than her mum.

"Really? I text you for fashion advice and the next thing get is a call from your stylist. Not that I'm not grateful, but you should have at least replied."

Guilt grows in my stomach. Emily would never ignore me like I've ignored her in the last couple of days. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Just drive safe and be here soon."

"Love you." I tell her then hang up.


"You've done an amazing job." I tell the event planner I hired for the party.

"We love a big budget." She shrugs with a smile.

"You guys did an awesome job. She's going to go insane." Tyler says.

Emily chuckles. "I hope so."

Nicole is about to come in. I'm so nervous.

"She's here!" Liam shouts from the window.

"Okay, everyone, shh!" I exclaim with a rushing excitement.

We hear the click of the door and the birthday girl comes in looking fabulous.

"Surprise!" We cheer and she gets startled for a second but then her eyes widen in realization.
"Oh my God!"  She laughs.

"Happy Birthday!" Emily hugs her first.

"Thank you! Oh my God, Emily! I can't believe this."

She hugs me next. "Thank you, thank you. I love you."

"Happy Birthday, Nicole." I kiss her cheek.


Okay, the birthday was so much fun. I can't remember the last time I partied that hard. Nicole loves being the center of attention and she got that yesterday. The party wasn't that big, Emily and I only invited close friends and that's what made it perfect.

Everyone connected. We danced. The guys performed #BDAY with the karaoke machine and it was hilarious.

The most shocking thing about the party though was the present that Nicole got from my cousin, Julian. He wasn't even there but he sent her the latest Bentley, customized with her name and everything.

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