Chapter 48: Driving me crazy

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

My eyes widen before I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. Our lips start to syncing, It's not a deep kiss but it gives really strong feelings. Adam pulls away with a gentle look on his face.

He pushes a strand away from my face. "You wanna go take a nap?" He asks softly.

I blink in confusion. A nap? Is he serious? Didn't he just finish like swallowing me?

"Uh, sure." I breathe.

Ned comes in from the corridor and gives Adam a look. "Mr. Black."

"Go on, I will be there soon." Adam tells me and I nod dumbfounded then start walking away.

Wai-wha-did Adam just kiss me on the lips and acted like it's not a big deal?

When I enter my room, I lean against the door then let out a loud sigh.

Adam kissed me! I smile then chuckle at myself. This is good. It's progress.

I spot my laptop then decide to check if I have an email from my instructor concerning my current project. I don't see it but there's another email from my Dad.

I nervously bite my lower lip then click on it.

Dear Amelia,

              I know I come off tough sometimes and heartless but I want you to know that I only want what's best for you. If by any means I thought Adam was not a good man, I wouldn't have allowed your marriage to him. I've had eyes on that man for years and he only becomes better. Your mother told me that you've began having feelings for him so I truly want your marriage to him to work because he's the only man that I trust 100% to take care of you. You're a remarkable young lady and I believe you are meant to become a great woman. I love you with all my heart. My concern regarding Liam has nothing to do with money or business. I simply don't want him to be a threat to your marriage and I believe that you are now wise enough to know who's the right choice for you.
                                                   Yours loving, Dad.

I re-read the email then close my laptop. So dad is team Adam. Great! The thing that confuses me and is kind of funny to me is the fact that people think there are teams or that Liam is even a choice.

I'm a a hundred percent over him.... I think. Ugh! It's so hard.

My heart tells me and knows that it's Adam I'm meant to be with but my mind tells me what if it isn't over with Liam yet. I mean, I said yes to being his wife. I never said yes to Adam. It just happened.

My ringtone breaks me off from my thoughts and I check to see it's an unknown caller.


"Amelia, this is Chase Handel."

"Oh, Chase! How are you doing?"

"I'm good, and you? Adam said you were sick last night. I hope you're feeling better."

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

He clears his throat. "I just called to check how you're doing and apologize again for the other night."

"Chase, it's totally fine. I promise."

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