Chapter 65: Their daughter-in-law

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Amelia Black

"I was in pain!" Diana screams

"Because it's only been about you?" Adam asks in a cool tone. If you want to fix our relationship, stop playing the victim and own up to all the shit you've done."

"You also need help, Adam. Have you been seeing your doctor? The old one, the one your father recommended. What's his name again?" She asks and I roll my eyes. SHE need help.

"It's Dr Sloan. Is that why you suddenly want talk? To get his name so you can throw your money at him like you did in the past?" He laughs humorless.

"Shut up, Adam."

"It's not going to work this time. I told him if you ever approach him, I'll triple the amount of money and then, I will make you pay. You will become the crazy one." He promises.

"How can you be so cruel?"

"You made me this way, mother. I'm just playing the character you created. Mad, delusional, troubled and abnormal."

"I never wanted things to go as bad as they did. My intention was never to hurt you. You're my son. I love you. I love you so much."

"I don't even know what that means but if that's what you would describe how you feel about me, then I guess love is as ghastly as they say it is."

And that's my cue. I've heard enough and I don't want to get caught.

Walking to the dining feels like an out of body experience because I can't stop thinking about what I heard.

Adam's dad is sitting at the head of the table while Liam and Damien faced each other. I sit next to Damien and as I look at the table I'm hit with nostalgia for all the times I spent in this house last year with Liam and our group of friends.

We ate here most of the time because Liam pretty much had the house to himself.

"Good of you to finally join us." Peter speaks and I assume his talking to me till I see Adam strolling in with his hands in his pockets.

"Sorry." He mutters then seats next to me. Before I can say anything, he kisses my lips softly and I gasp.

"We're trying to eat here." Liam comments but Adam ignores him. The kiss feels desperate and when he pulls away there's so much emotion in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I whisper.

"I'm happy to see you. Sorry I was late."


"Son, I'm glad you like your wife but keep it easy, okay?" His dad says but with warm amusement.

"I wish I had a wife." Damien sighs.

"No, you don't." Liam and Adam say at the same time.

Diana joins us and I notice that she's changed her dressed and touch up her face because she doesn't look like a person that's been crying.

We start eating with the pianist that they hired for the day playing beautifully. The food is delicious. I eat a good amount because I haven't eaten all day and that means Adam does not have to bully me into clearing my plate.

Him and his mum were acting normal like they weren't just arguing so I start wondering if its something that happens regularly and they hide it from the rest of the family.

"Liam and Amelia, we have a surprise for you." Diana announces after everyone was done eating.

"Oh?" I look at Adam, surprised but he just shrugs.

She gets up and leaves and later comes back with three staff behind her. One was carrying a huge cake and the other two were each holding gift bags but one is bigger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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