Chapter 2: It's not about him.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

"Ow." I moan in pain as I get up from my seat.

"What's wrong?" Jacob asks.

"I slept on the floor last night." I tell him.

"Why?" He laughs.

"I was just watching movie and I slept through." I lie.

Nobody knows about the tears I shed every night. They do know that something is wrong with me. Tyler always complains that I haven't been myself since the wedding.

Like I said, I don't know who I am anymore.

"That was a lie but I'll take it." Jacob chuckles.

I laugh softly and rest my head on his shoulder. "So what are your plans for today?" He asks.

"I'm going to the manicurist with my mum's best friend." I reply.

He rolls his eyes. "It's okay to call her your mother-in-law, Amelia."

"Fine. How about you?"

"Tyler and I are going house hunting then we're going to a party this girl in my Business class is having."

I raise an eyebrow. "House hunting?"

"Yeah, you know he didn't let me to move out of his house the last time."

"So now you guys are moving out together?"


I tilt my head. "Are you going to live together for the rest of your lives?"

"Probably. I can't live without him and he can't live without me." He answers with a shrug.

I love the bromance between Tyler and Jacob. It's so cute and at the same time so touching. They are cousins but they act like real brothers.

"Hey, Jacob." A girl waves at him as we walk.

"Hey, beautiful. See you tonight." He winks at her and she blushes.

"It's that the girl that's having the party?"

"No, her best friend."

We enter the school restaurant and I can feel all eyes on us. We join our friends at our table and say hi to them.

No one has really said anything out loud since the wedding but I can feel it.

I can hear it through their stares. I am the girl that married her ex boyfriend's brother.

Even though most people believe the council's fake story about Adam and I, I know that there are a lot of other people that don't believe a thing, especially the students in this University.

They all know. They all saw how much Liam and I loved each other or they don't because I have come to the realisation that Liam never loved me that much.

Maybe people even talked about it in the past, how my relationship with Liam wasn't real.

Perhaps some people saw it or maybe everyone did. Everyone except me, I was crazily in love.

I still am and I think I will always be.

"Want me to order for you?" Tyler asks me with a soft smile.

"Yes, please." I smile back.


"Amelia!" Aunt Diana exclaims as she sees me. We hug, both sharing kisses on the cheek.

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