Chapter 44: Make me cry.

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Liam's outfit above.

Amelia Black

You know at the beginning of my marriage, I pictured this moment in a billion ways.


Liam, my ex-fiancé is standing right there in front of me and suddenly everything starts coming back. It feels like it was yesterday. All the laughter, the tears.

I know that I was going to see him again but no matter how much I imagined it, I find myself numb in the moment.

I don't know what to do so I start moving. I'm just going to go.

"Amelia," He starts, reaching for to touch me.

"No!" I snap.

I walk out the door and I see Adam walking towards us. "Everything okay?" He asks, looking at Liam, not me.

I glare at him and just head towards the entrance door and leave. Tears start falling down my cheeks as I walk down the stairs.

Our car is parked just down below and I see Kristen rushing to me. "Are you hurt, Mrs. Black?"

I shake my head. "Just take me home."

She opens the door for me and I go in.

"Mr. Black is coming now." She tells me and closes the door. A minute later, the door opens again and Adam seats then Wesley starts driving.

I can't believe what just happened. Liam is back! I couldn't even speak to him. It's crazy to think that he's someone that I was in love with, someone I was ready to share the rest of my life with.

Now, I'm in love with his brother who I kissed a few hours ago and is acting like nothing happened. Did he know Liam was there?

Is that why he wants a divorce?

I'm going to sign. There's no point of dragging this along. If Adam wants me, he would do something about it but sadly, he doesn't.

"Where are the papers?" I whisper, not looking at him.

"What papers?" He replies in his deep voice.

I roll my eyes. "The divorce papers. Isn't that why you took me to your parents' house?"

"No, I took you there because I asked Liam to come back....for you." He explains.

My head snaps to him. "You did what?!"

What the fuck? My blood is boiling. I feel like punching him in the face but unfortunately, my mother taught me to never hit someone.

"Stop the car, Wesley." I order.

"Keep driving." Adam tells him calmly then sighs. "Amelia, look," He moves close to me, moving his hands forward.

I move back, pressing my back against the door. "No! Don't touch me! How could you?"

He looks at me, in shock, lost of words.

"I did it for you." He finally says.


We enter the house in silence. The maids are taking our stuff upstairs. I take off my coat and head towards the elevator.


I pause and slowly turn around.

"I thought this would make you happy."

"Why?" I cry. "Why in the world would you fucking think that?"

I don't understand him and he probably doesn't understand me also. What a fucking mess! I guess this our life.

I look at him. He looks calm and composed like he is all the time but he wasn't last night.

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