Chapter 3: Louder than Bombs

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A week quickly passed by and Taehyung's getting better. Both emotionally and physically. He became really close with all of Jin's friends excluding the landlord slash 'leader' (as Hoseok mentioned), Jungkook, because he hasn't even seen the guy yet. Jimin and he became inseparable ironically, the tense atmosphere no longer present. Jimin proved himself the most caring and affectionate member in the house: he's always on Taehyung's side, nursing him back to health when Seokjin's not around. It was like the murderer Jimin he met that one dreadful day never exists.

"You don't need your crutches now, huh?" Jimin teases, crossing his arms and tapping his right foot on the floor. Taehyung tried to stand up from his bed but stumbling miserably.

"You have to trust me. I'm stronger than a bull, Jimin-ah," Taehyung insisted, he doesn't need help anymore, he felt like he's burdening a lot of people – specifically Jimin, and his Jin hyung who came back two days ago. He doesn't want to be the fucking damsel in distress.

"That's bullshit." Taehyung giggles at Jimin's pun, while the older is scowling at him playfully.


"Hm?" Jimin asks, taking Taehyung's elbow to support him to stand up.

"I want to go outside."

"Why?" For a second, Taehyung saw a glint in Jimin's eyes. A flash of anger? Amusement? He can't point it out.

"I... Can I?"

"Alright, but let's ask Jin hyung first?" Jimin helped Taehyung, the brown-haired limping comically towards the bedroom door. He's trying so hard to hide it, but he can't.


"You didn't tell him yet?" Hoseok prompted Seokjin who is currently washing vegetables in the kitchen sink.

"About what, Hoseok-ah?" Seokjin looked up, although he already knew what he is talking about.

"Us! He will know it sooner than later and you don't want him to despise you, do you? Or worse... Taehyung... he..." Hoseok trails, he doesn't want to have Taehyung and murder in one sentence.

In just one week, Taehyung squeezed himself in Hoseok's heart and he knows all of the members love Taehyungie too as much as he loves him. It's easy to love that beautiful brown-haired boy.

"I'll tell him, I'm just... I don't know how." Seokjin admits, putting the vegetables in the filter basin. "Yoongi-chi, can you put this in the counter?" Yoongi conformed, overlooking their argument.

"You had a whole week to tell him and you didn't use any of it?" Hoseok continues frustratedly, they all know Jeon Jungkook will not give a fuck about anyone, except for them of course. And Taehyung is no exemption, he is a stranger after all. Even if he's a close family of Kim Seokjin, their leader will not bat an eyelash to shoot Taehyung if he irritates him just a bit.

Taehyung needs to know first what and who they are so that he can fully understand why he had to respect the leader and be careful around him, be in his good side all the time. Until such time he became a member of BTS too. If not... Hoseok quivers.

"Hobi-ya, enough." Namjoon popped out of nowhere, he probably felt the anguished radiating from his soulmate, Seokjin. He hugs the elder from behind. "I'll tell him myself, baby. If you're not comfortable with it." He offered.

"No, I'll do it today, I promise," Seokjin said, anxious about his previous negotiation with Jungkook. The raven-haired said that it's all good, right? He doesn't need to worry about the equivalent price, right? He's still a close friend, heck one of the high officials of BTS, a motherfucking brother – a family after all, right? But not Taehyung. Taehyung is nothing to Jungkook. What now?

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