Chapter 13: The Truth Untold

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Taehyung woke up in an unfamiliar classy room filled with fancy chandeliers, large plants, and expensive vases with colorful flowers and figurines decorating the whole place. The bed is too soft for his liking and the curtains swaying at the huge windows of the room look like it's mocking him.

He squints at the bright lamp lights in the bedside table. Albeit the place seems dark, the lamp helps him see the entirety of the room. His eyes gone wide when he remembered what happened to him earlier. He huffs and immediately checks himself and luckily, he is still in one piece. He doesn't have any gags anymore but the grip on his arms earlier left a massive hand mark and bruises. He was a bit surprised when something trickles down on his nose and when he wiped it with his fingers, he saw blood. He looks up and cleans the blood in his nose with his sleeves. This must be the chemical he inhaled earlier from the handkerchief; it was too much that it also hurt his throat. He swallowed multiple times before he decided that it's kinda okay for now.

You're so stupid, Kim Taehyung. Idiot. He internally cursed himself upon deliberating the situation he is in. He shouldn't be here in this strange place, removing blood from his nose, if he just listened to his Seokjin hyung and Jiminie and if he just stayed put and waited for his soulmate as he should be. This is why they are protecting him and now he is offering himself as a Christmas gift to their enemies.

Fucking great.

He just had to do something stupid of all times. If not for his soulmate instincts telling him that something is not right, he wouldn't do something foolish like that. The blame is still on him though.

From bad, the situation became the worst. He can't fathom something crueler than this. Taehyung just wants to see his soulmate. He just hopes Jungkook is in a better position than him.

He ran his eyes in his surroundings and it landed at the only door in his far right, that must be the exit.

Taehyung feels oddly calm despite the internal struggle of calling himself a 'pathetic idiot'. Given the traumas he'd experienced in the past, he felt strangely composed.

He just needs to get out of here, fast. He needs to find a way to solve this himself without seeking help. Maybe, he thought, he deserves this because of his idiocy? He needs to say sorry to his hyungs. He needs to appreciate them more. He needs to listen well. He needs to be mature. He needs to be—

He wants to hurt himself.

All of the emotions and regrets slowly drowning him. He has no one to blame but himself. He squeezes his eye shut and focused on his breathing for a few seconds. When he calmed down again, he stood up and carefully walk towards the door. When he turned the knob, he didn't really expect the door to open but it did.

He cautiously peeks at the empty hallways and it made him feel uneasy since there are no people around. It's not that he wants some hoodlum to accompany or escort him, but it is strange that he is being kidnapped but there are no mobsters guarding him all over.


He gingerly walks towards the empty corridor while looking around warily. The paintings hanging consecutively in the walls are a bit creepy; It felt like the people in the paintings are all glaring at him. Every corner has an expensive-looking vase with beautiful flowers in it and each time Taehyung marches past it, he can also smell the alluring fragrance of each. The flowers are the only thing in this house that seems right. The rest is just too creepy or too fancy.

He walks past a huge window and he briefly looks outside. It is still snowing and looking at how high it is, he must be at the fourth or fifth floor. Crazy but he contemplates if he should jump out of it; he hesitated. He calculated that he'll have seven or eight broken bones if he does so, and it's definitely not worth it. He must escape in one piece if he really wants to escape at all.

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