Chapter 9: Mikrokosmos

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It is Taehyung's first time to ride a motorcycle. A big bike at that.

He will be ecstatic and thrilled if not for the earlier events. Taehyung couldn't believe what happened earlier, it felt like a long ass daydream turned into a nightmare. He will apologize for Jimin later for being reckless and being lost although he knew it is crowded, it is his own fault for idling after all.

He is currently on Jungkook's back, hugging the younger tight and resting his head on the back of his shoulders. Jungkook instructed him reluctantly earlier to hold skin-tight on him because they don't have any helmet or safety gears with them as the younger rushed to find him right away. Taehyung agreed coolly, he is much grateful that Jungkook wouldn't think twice when it comes on saving him. And that his soulmate's first priority is him.

As they are moving at a normal speed, a soft breeze of night air blows passed their blood-stained faces and hair, tenderly saying that this is not a dream and they are still breathing.

Taehyung was beyond exhausted; his limbs are wilting, and his adrenaline now drained. He decided to close his eyes and take a small nap against Jungkook's sturdy and broad shoulders. Jungkook must've noticed the weight of Taehyung on his back, he took hold of Taehyung's snaked arms on his waist with his left hand to support the older.

They stopped several minutes after in a huge underground private parking lot full of BTS' expensive cars, Taehyung opened his eyes automatically and before he could go down in Jungkook's massive bike, Jungkook maneuvered himself to carry Taehyung in his arms, bridal style. He let his bike fall in the smooth cemented floor with a huge thump. Taehyung didn't voice-out his protests, he simply gives in and circled his arms on Jungkook's neck making the younger smile a little. Taehyung closed his eyes once again and succumb to a dreamless dream.

Jungkook continued walking effortlessly unto the button-less elevator, swiping a card at the right and placing a thumb under it, all while clutching Taehyung in his arms. A flicker of light scanned his finger from top to bottom and a blink of confirmation flashed on the screen making the elevator door close with a ding.

After several seconds, the elevator opened indicating they are now on the top floor. They are welcomed with the worried faces of their hyungs. Jungkook just nods and they scatter understandably, guiding their leader towards the living room. Jungkook placed the sleeping Taehyung on the couch gently, but the elder seems to be woken up, nonetheless.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook on the couch and crawled on the younger's lap as if it is the most normal thing to do. Jungkook is startled for a moment, but he let the older use him to become stable and tranquil, he doesn't care as long as his soulmate is alright. Taehyung instinctively nuzzles his nose on Jungkook's neck, inhaling the fragrant scent of his soulmate, making him relaxed instantly. He will be horrified if he is still his past self-several weeks ago. But this is him now, and he doesn't want to fight with his soulmate instincts anymore. He wants to be near with Jungkook at all times. He wants to feel safe.

He may be, maybe needs Jungkook. He thought.

"How do you feel, Taehyungie?" The first one who spoke was Seokjin. Taehyung looked up as if in a haze, he rubs his eyes and scanned his surroundings. All of his hyungs including Jimin are all huddled around him and Jungkook, concern mixed with anxiety etched on their beautiful faces. Taehyung felt an overwhelming urge to reassure and hug all of his hyungs. He is now ok, isn't he?

Seokjin moved closer to him and gently dabbed a cotton with antiseptics on the side of his lips where a small cut is located. Jungkook helped Seokjin cut open Taehyung's shirt using surgical scissors. He scans and checks Taehyung's body with a scowl. He then put some ointments on the bruises on Taehyung's chest and stomach. Taehyung didn't move, he is still on Jungkook's arms, absorbing what is happening to him in the third person point of view, like his soul detached from his body. He felt numb and lost, but at home, at the same time because he is with Jungkook and his hyungs. He doesn't know how to feel, is this what trauma feels like? He can still feel the slap in his face and the kick on his stomach. He can still see how the bastard runs his nose on his skin, he wants to discard all of the contents in his stomach right now. He felt dizzy and sick.

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