Chapter 10: Everythingoes

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The first thing Taehyung saw when he woke up was an angel sleeping peacefully at his side. It is a bit ironic from the nightmare he had earlier but waking up with such view makes him calm a little. He is sure he will die sleeping by having those terrible nightmares one of these days. He's happy he woke up facing his beautiful soulmate, the juxtaposition of his unruly nightmare and the serene atmosphere now is baffling, but it helps him feel something again.

The gentle sun rays peaking at the curtains in the huge window are peaceful and warm. Taehyung is glad he woke up; he was glad he was alive at all. Even if he experienced a lot of traumatic things these past few days, he is sure he still wants to live and see the beauty of this hideous world.

Taehyung and Jungkook were lying on the younger's bed, faces are only an inch apart. They are so close, they can feel each other's soft breaths. Surprisingly, Taehyung didn't mind that much.

Taehyung can smell the younger's musky scent; it is a mixture of strawberries and vanilla. It is quite addicting in Taehyung's sensitive nose, but he mentally stopped himself from inhaling too much, afraid that his soulmate might know. He is still embarrassed; he hates to admit it but he is starting to like the younger more. Not that he doesn't like him before but he knew he is starting to open up his heart to the younger now. He's not afraid anymore if it is Jungkook. He knew he is safe if he is with his soulmate. That false sense of security and safety might not be false per se. Jungkook saved him, it is enough proof, isn't it?

Taehyung started to move but can't; he doesn't know how he and Jungkook ended up tangled with each other, but he is really not complaining. He felt surprisingly comfortable with Jungkook's hold. It really felt like a warm blanket comforting him. It felt like home.

Jungkook stirred, his tattooed arms moving higher over Taehyung's exposed waist, making Taehyung recoil a bit but relax soon after when he realized it is his soulmate's arms. It must be the trauma taking a toll on him, he mentally slapped himself to get it together.


He just realizes that Jungkook is hugging him right now and he is shockingly not bothered by it. He doesn't know if it is because of the sense of safety and security, and that he felt the need to be closer to his soulmate or is it just the instincts talking to him. Either way, he doesn't really care anymore. As long as he's contented and happy, everything is well.

He will grab every opportunity to be this level of being okay.

Jungkook stirred again, snoring quietly making Taehyung stay still. He doesn't want to wake the younger although his stomach is growling now, and he felt a huge need to take a bath. He looks at himself to check his stomach and chest bruises and he realized for the second time that he's wearing a light pink bunny pajama sleeves that are unbuttoned and comfortable matching pajama pants. Jungkook must have helped clean him and changed his clothes for him. This makes him feel kinda grateful but also, a little embarrassed since he felt like Jungkook saw everything now. He checked if his boxers are still there and he's relieved that it is still the same boxers he had yesterday. He's glad that Jungkook is respecting his privacy and purity. Maybe, maybe Jungkook is also a gentleman afterall.

Jungkook also must have taken a shower when Taehyung slept, since the blood is no longer coating the younger's face and hair. And he also must have taken pity on Taehyung after, cleaning the older as well. Taehyung felt guilty that he's such a wimp yesterday and he let Jungkook take action and help him all the way without returning anything back. But he also felt relieved that he has someone he can rely upon to aside from his Seokjin hyung and Jimin. Someone he could really call anytime without stating his reason or other people raising their eyebrows at him.

He knew he's weak and dependent; he despised it. He really hates himself.

Taehyung looked at the bedside clock and it says it is already one in the afternoon. While thinking how to get out of Jungkook's hold, he caught himself staring at his soulmate as if he could memorize every corner of Jungkook's face. He must have. He could see Jungkook's bags in his eyes and his crinkling nose. He giggled internally at how cute the younger is. He looked like a bunny, Taehyung thought. Taehyung's eyes fall on Jungkook's parted lips. The younger's lips are slightly chapped, thus, the first thing that comes to Taehyung's mind is to wet it. His soulmate instincts are telling him to kiss the younger which he totally shut down right away. Taehyung wet his drying lips instead, he closed his eyes and inhale deeply. It's getting hot in the room, Taehyung thought. He decided that he should wake up the younger before he does something he will regret later.

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