Chapter 4: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life

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"Well, that was unexpected." Yoongi broke the silence. The rest of the members are still in shock and Jungkook is still standing there frozen after Taehyung ran past him towards his bedroom. Seokjin and Jimin looked at each other and immediately scrambled following Taehyung.

"Uhm, he's your soulmate," Namjoon muttered to Jungkook dumbly.

"Obviously." Yoongi rolled his eyes, "What now?" He asks no one in particular.

"Tae's definitely upset, to think that he is amnesiac, and he remembered everything in a snap just like that? That must be so horrible." Namjoon replied. Hoseok and Namjoon know a thing or two about Taehyung. No, maybe the whole autobiography. They are still the brains of BTS, and they must know everything to keep the group safe all the time. Taehyung's no exemption.

"Fuck." Jungkook came to his senses and made his way outside the dining area.

"We don't have to explain everything to Taehyung, then?" Hoseok chimes in after seven beats of silence, lips set into a thin line. "And we don't have to worry about Jungkook toying and putting a bullet in Taehyung's head? We know he wouldn't dare do that."

They all know Jungkook saw people as only his plaything, just a useless pawn in his chessboard. A disposable one that he can manipulate anytime he wants. And Hoseok knows, even if they are family to Jungkook, they are still just the chess pieces: a rook, bishop, knight, queen and king in that brat's head. And that brat is the player who controls the board.

"You always see the hopeful side in everything, aren't you, Sunshine?" Yoongi snorts, giving Hoseok a peck in his lips and a pat in his head.


Taehyung had been staring at his bedroom ceiling, sobbing quietly for three hours straight already after the eventful lunch he had earlier. He detests the motherfucking mirrored ceiling in front of him, his weeping reflection mocking him back. If there's a word for today, it is the word hate. He dislikes everything.

Seokjin and Jimin had been pounding at his door with no avail since earlier. Taehyung ran towards his bedroom and locked himself after the incident, he's a mess right now and he doesn't want them to see him like that.

He had been crying a lot since then.

First, he remembered his mother, his beautiful loving mother who died pitifully in the hands of Yashimoto. He choked yet another sob, it seems like his tears are endless like the Nile river. He is so enraged and heartbroken that he feels really violent, he wants to punch someone, anyone. He gasps at the thought. Is he becoming Jungkook? Well, he doesn't care anymore.

His father who became crazy and experimented on him after that incident, now he understood why. He chuckled cynically. He feels like he'll be a psycho himself at that moment.

Both of his parents are now gone, and he can't revive them back alive just by having his memory back, right? He wished he hadn't remembered anything; it is better that way. It is better to be ignorant, away from the pain. He wished he hadn't met his soulmate.

His soulmate, the most attractive man he'd ever met, has the darkest soul he had ever seen. The memories of Jungkook that he witnessed, in his very own eyes, was terrifying. The psychopathic tortures and murders that Jungkook did – it felt like Taehyung did it himself. It made his skin crawl and his stomach turn upside down. Why? Is he cursed? Do the gods loathe him that much? Why Jungkook of all people? Did Taehyung do something hideous in his past life to be given with this kind of life? He kept on asking questions in his head and of course, there are really no definite answers for it.

And what irks him the most is he is yearning for his soulmate, like a craving you should satisfy right away or like an itching mosquito bite that you have to scratch no matter what. He can't push away the feeling of wanting to be close with Jungkook. That outrageous longing and desire. It doesn't matter if he hates him or not, but the infuriating Jungkook magnet is pulling him and he can't fight it, whatever will he has left.

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