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(edited 8/16/22)

Maybe it was all the romance movies with swelling scores and dramatic kisses during downpours. Or the cozy sensation that washed over me at the thought of staying in, sitting by the window with a book or mug. Whatever it was, rainy days always showered me with calm bliss, and I'd have the sudden urge to do a puzzle, or make applesauce, or even clean my room.

So when I woke up at C/N's house, my rested legs intertwined with his, his warm, stubble-smattered chin resting on the strap of my loose tank top, I almost jumped right out of bed at the sight of raindrops racing down the window. Trying not to wake him, I slowly extended an arm to brush the white curtain out of the way, revealing the full glory of the cloudy sky. 

As I relaxed back into the mattress, I felt an arm snake along my ribcage, then came face to face with a sturdy  hand. I caressed it with my fingertip, tracing the veins and trying to memorize where each knuckle bent and each finger began.

"Morning," C/N mumbled, his little sleepy voice grazing my neck. He stretched behind me, limbs tensing against mine momentarily before releasing and softening again. I smiled at the condensation on the window and the little noise he made as he nuzzled his face into the back of my head.

"Morning," I murmured, wondering if he could hear my smile. 

He chuckled lightly. "I like your sleepy voice," he murmured, so casually it gave me butterflies. "It gets me all excited for the day." He placed a little peck in the crook below my ear and turned onto his back, groping for his phone. I hoped he couldn't feel the heat rising from my face. I liked the way he could say things so nonchalantly, as if he was a completely confident in their factuality.

I steeped English Breakfast tea with lemon for myself, as I'd never become fully accustomed to the bitter taste of coffee. For him, I brewed some Columbian coffee, adding three scoops of sugar and enough milk to turn it the color of a Toblerone (the way he took it when we went to coffee shops). I found everything with ease, and ended up unpacking the dishwasher, too, just to pass the time. His kitchen was remarkably clean compared to his clothes-ridden bedroom, and delightfully easy to navigate, too. 

When he finally stumbled in, fresh faced yet still groggy, he tossed me a crewneck, which I gladly pulled over my head. His mouth quirked up at the sight of me wearing it, yet he said nothing, soaking in the pitter patter of the rain, and (somehow) the bitterness of his coffee. After emptying his mug in a matter of minutes, he kissed me on the forehead and didn't let go of me until I finished my tea.

"Sorry about the rain, Bub. I know you were looking forward to our hike," he sighed. I shook my head and smiled to let him know that it was alright. 

"I actually love the rain. I think it's romantic."

He chuckled. "Only you would find water falling out of the sky romantic."

"You don't find it romantic?"

"I mean... not really. It just means a day filled with video games. At least, for me."

My face fell slightly at the prospect of laying around as he played hours of Skyrim with his friends. However, the sight of his glowing Nintendo switch on the counter gave me an idea. 

"Animal crossing? Seriously?"

We were in the den, where the blinds let in natural light and the open screens allowed for the sweet smell of rain to fill the room. C/N's sister had left him her switch games when she'd returned for her second semester of her senior year at college, considering it an unnecessary distraction. I flipped through her game case eagerly, searching for the little green card that was New Horizons.

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