makeup (m)

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I stepped out of the shower, releasing a cloud of steam into the rest of the bathroom. The mirror was foggy, and the first thing I did after wrapping a towel around my torso was write C/N's name. It was an old habit that I'd never broken. 

I turned on some jazz and stepped into my stockings, cherishing the bliss I felt when they finally slid over my hips and rested at my waist. C/N and I had been invited to his brother in law's first gallery display of his art career, and I wanted to look presentable in front of his family. 

After pulling on my dress and twirling around in the mirror for a bit, I picked out a gold necklace to make my skin pop. I gave it my best try, but no matter how I stretched and bent my limbs, I couldn't seem to close the clasp in the back. At some point, C/N must have heard my cries of frustration, because he rapped lightly on the bathroom door.

"Y/N?You okay?" he asked, his voice smooth and deep, with hints of concern. I dropped the necklace in a golden heap on the counter and let him in. 

He stood in the doorway, tie half tied, one suit cufflink in his mouth as he fastened the other to his sleeve. His eyes traveled up and down my body, giving me a quick once-over. The unused cufflink fell out of his mouth.

"Could you help me with my necklace?" I requested, dragging my makeup bag closer to me and pulling out the tube of mascara. He swallowed and gave me a quick nod before stooping to pick up his cufflink. My face warmed as he stared intently at my reflection in the mirror, clasping my necklace and adjusting it so it fell evenly on my shoulders. 

"Thank you," I smiled, popping the cap back on my mascara. He just stared blankly at me in the mirror, his hands sliding onto my waist. "C/N?" You repeated, brows furrowed. 

"Oh, uh, you're welcome," he countered. His head came to rest on my shoulder, which he grazed with his lips in utter adoration. "You look gorgeous, love." 

I laughed nervously. "Oh, thank god. I've been stressing about seeing your family all week. Figured I might as well look presentable."

"Presentable doesn't even begin to cover it, Y/N." His hands traveled up to my ribcage, then down to the sides of my ass.  "How am I supposed to make it through the exhibit with you looking like this?" 

He bent down to kiss my neck again, suckling harder this time, his lips soft and wet already. I tensed. I wanted him, I really did. But I had an obligation to make it to the exhibit on time, to show his family just how great a partner I could be. "C/N..." I began. 

"Hm?" he grunted into my neck.

"We need to leave. Now. We'll be stuck in rush hour traffic-"

He pulled away from my neck, taking a breath. "These things never start on time." 

I turned my head away, searching for another reason to leave. But my brain turned up nothing, and my head and body were sending opposite messages, and god he looked so good...

I leaned into his touch, giving him an answer, and he turned me around, his arms boxing me into the bathroom counter. His breaths were getting shallower; His veins tensed in his arms. 

"Did it take you long to get into that dress?"

"No," I lied. My mind was far from the exhibit now. 


He pulled me into a hug and unzipped my dress. Before pulling it down, he rubbed a few circles on my aching back, aware of how painful it can get to live with so much physical pressure. I hummed in appreciation and felt his heart speed up against my collarbone. 

Once my dress was just a puddle at my feet, he slid his feet under mine and waddled to the bedroom, both of us a giggling mess. I felt my toes curling at his ankle joint, my bra catch against the buttons of his shirt. 

The shirt had to come off. I unbuttoned with as much ease as I could manage and practically yanked it off of him, draping it over the bed frame before turning to his stomach and chest. Each kiss I left along his stomach caused a slight shiver to radiate along his torso. His hips bucked slightly as my lips approached his lower abdomen, and his hands came to rest on my head. 

"Does that feel okay?" I asked, my hand already moving to palm the bulge in his pants. He grunted and his grip tightened around my hair. I'd take that as a yes. 

After a bit of palming and fondling, he squirmed out from under me and swooped off of the bed to take off his pants. As soon as they were off, he clambered on top of me, lightly holding my wrists to the sheets.  

"Do you remember the first time?"

"I knew you were going to ask that," I groaned, straining my wrists against his grip, trying to cover my face. He grinned. 

"Do you remember when-"

"C/N, no."

"-you slammed your head against my forehead?" 

I tried to make an angry face, making him laugh harder. I joined in, and his grip weakened as he fell forward, his forehead landing against mine. We shook, both enveloped in that blissful, silent laughter for a moment. 

He took deep, laughing breaths as he recovered from his fit. "We haven't changed much, have we?" he sighed, touching the tip of his nose to mine. I shook my head, and he responded with a deep kiss. 

And like that, we were back in the thick of it. His hands felt at my breasts, soft moans beginning to escape both of our lips.

He lightly tugged at my underwear, and I mumbled a validating "mhm" into his shoulder. He pulled it down and gave me a round of butterfly kisses on my chest before sliding down to the edge of the bed. 

He'd always been good at going down, because he loved going down, making me feel good. He played close attention to my every expression, noise, twitch. He let me know that he loved me, loved my body. He held my hand when I got close. He made me laugh. He made me feel special. 

We were both already sweaty by the time he lined himself up. He looked me straight in the eye. "You'd better not be thinking about the fucking art exhibit right now."

"Only you, C/N." 

He smiled. "Ready?"


His breath hitched for a moment, and I wondered if he was having second thoughts. "I'm on birth control," I assured him. 

"I know," he cooed, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. He entered slowly, stifling a moan. 

"Don't stifle it. I can see your jaw clenching." I ran a finger along his jawline and he relaxed into my touch. 

"Fuck, Y/N," he grunted, his thrusts getting harder, maintaining their slow pace. "Fuck."

C/N always said that slow and steady wins the race. I said slow and steady won my heart. He was deliberate with his every thrust, just as I was mindful of my every touch. Usually we were a team. In bed, we were one.

He flipped over, in need of a break, and let me take to lead. I stayed upright for as long as I could, but as we both approached our climax, I leaned down, and he gripped me to him with a strong hand to my back. 

"I'm so..." I gasped, trying to hold on so we could come in tandem. "I'm so close, C/N." 

"I know, just- fuck!" He brought his other hand to my back and thrusted harder than he had so far. "Just hold out for me, love." 

We lasted a total of 7 seconds before giving in and shaking together, wet and clinging and tired. I began to move from C/N's chest, but he held me to his chest and wouldn't let go. 

"I don't want to go the exhibit." He finally said, breathing steadily again. "I just want to lay here."

"Until when?" I asked, relishing the feeling of his warm hands on my bare back.

"Until forever." 

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