blind date

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"C'mon, Y/N. It'll be fun!"

BSF/N was sitting outside of my changing room, reading People magazine as I tried to shove myself into yet another red dress. I huffed and stepped out of it. 

"Too small." I tossed it over the door, just to watch it disappear a moment later. I heard it rustle in BSF/N's grip as they turned it over, searching for the tag. 

"Again? I must have the wrong size..."

"Or this is all a bad idea." 

"Y/N, stop. I really think you're going to like him."

"I doubt it", I said, pulling my shirt back over my head. "And I'm going home. I'm sure I have a nice outfit somewhere."

I heard them sigh and lean on the door as I did a little jig to get back into my pants. Then-

"Wait- Does that mean you're doing it?" 

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"

This earned an overexcited "squeee!" from them. I opened the dressing room door and handed an attendant my monstrous pile of failed experiments, trying to ignore the babbling little gremlin behind me. 

I finally turned to them when we finally stepped out into the crisp autumn air, stopping them in their tracks. 

"BSF/N, you know I love you. Right?"

"I mean, sometimes I doubt it. But most of the time, yeah."

"Very funny. Anyway, look: I kind of need some space to get ready today. I want to do it alone."

A wave of hurt washed over their face, but when they saw mine, riddled with a mix of nerves and the desire to fall right through the bottom of a Minecraft world, their expression morphed into sympathy. They smiled sweetly

"Knock yourself out, Y/N. And good luck."

I tried to ignore the pit of dread that began to deepen at those words. 


"You alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure." I rushed. "I should probably go find something to wear."

"Right. And Y/N? He's a great guy. I think you're going to have a great time." 

I nodded. BSF/N waved and turned on their heel. And like that, I was on my own.

I should have had BSF/N help me get ready. After the unsuccessful shopping trip, I got home and collapsed on the couch, drowning myself in the deepest darkest parts of YouTube until late in the afternoon. I didn't even think about the date until I stumbled into my room and saw clothes scattered everywhere, the result of my anxious fashion show the night before. 

By some miracle, I arrived at the venue on time. It was a little cottagecore core place nestled in a   public park, just 20 meters from a public restroom that smelled of pee and an overcrowded dog park. It was ironic, but I appreciated the creativity. 

The little bell rang when I opened the door, and the hardwood floors (HARDWOOD!) creaked under my boots. A woman dressed in a cozy looking cardigan and apron looked up and held up a finger, turning back to her customer attentively. 

I surveyed the room, searching for my supposed suitor. There was a couple with twin toddlers, an older woman feeding her pug, a couple taking photos for instagram...and C/N?

He was squinting back at you, his brow furrowed. You couldn't help yourself- you started shaking with silent laughter. Your middle school boyfriend, of all people! 

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