hot tub

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My week-long stay in C/N's hometown had been informative, to say the least. I'd seen where he learned to walk, where he lost his first tooth, where he picked a fight and got pummeled, where he had his first kiss (that one made me the tiniest bit jealous) and where he got drunk after his senior prom. I was piecing his persona together bit by bit, and he was guiding me along with his dimples and his  and dad jokes and his soothing voice. 

The one downside to the visit was staying in his parents' guest bedroom, which was closet sized and had a giant Jesus statue above the door in case we so much as thought about doing anything fun. I hadn't slept well, what with the loud clanking of the heater, and C/N was on edge, uncomfortable with the familiarity of his childhood home. 

We were exhausted and sweaty when we pulled up to an ivy covered brick building in a nicer part of town. C/N put the car into park and began unbuckling his seatbelt. 

"C/N,"  I began, staring out of the car at the floor to ceiling windows upstairs, blurred yet letting a bit of light through. "Last time I checked, this wasn't your parent's house." 

He ignored me, which ticked me off, but then opened my door and extended a hand, which made me flush. I took his hand and let him lead me up to the front door. He fished in his pocket for a moment before producing a key and inserting it into the padlock. "An old friend is a real estate agent. He's selling this place soon."

The doors swung open, revealing a comfy looking living room covered in books and blankets. 

"I asked him for one night, just one. It was my dream house as a kid, and you're my dream woman, so it felt right." I trailed him inside, running my hands along the gorgeous wallpaper. "One night, Y/N." He wrapped an arm around my waist and gazed at me with ill contained lust. 

To my disappointment, he released me, strolling further into the house and unbuttoning his collared shirt, which he'd worn to dinner with his folks. "There's a surprise on the bed upstairs. First room on the left. Meet me outside." 

I took one last look around the room before ascending the staircase and strolling into the room he'd mentioned. The lights were dim, and out of the floor-to-ceiling-window, I admired a spectacular view of the town, stretching all the way to the rocky coast. 

 I turned my attention to the bed, where a simple black bikini was draped across the comforter. My heart leapt with anticipation as I imagined his eyes darkening when he saw it on me. I pulled it on as quickly as possible. 

The backyard path was adorned with fairy lights, and I touched them as I followed it to the garage. I could hear water sloshing from within it, and upon entering the space I came face to face with C/N, wearing nothing but his swimsuit and sitting on the edge of a hot tub. I smiled and waved when I saw him, suddenly shy as his eyes unraveled my every nerve. 

"Y/N, I..." he rose and strode towards me. "You're perfect."

"You don't look too bad yourself." 

"Some girls just say 'handsome', you know."

"Am I just some girl now?"

His eye twitched and he kissed me on the forehead. "C'mon in,  the water's great."

We lowered ourselves into the water and sighed in unison as the water soothed our sore muscles, courtesy of the awful guest room bed. C/N inched closer to me until his thighs were around mine and his teeth were biting at my bottom lip. 

"Thank you, darling," he murmured, his hands caressing my waist. "Thanks for coming home with me." 

"Thanks for bringing me," I managed between kisses. "God, C/N, I've missed you."

He chuckled, sending vibrations from his chest through mine like arrows. "It's been a week."

"A week too long," I breathed, diving back in for more. His hands moved up to my hair, pulling my face closer to his, begging for more. I hummed against his lips and he pulled away, just to brush a strand of hair behind my ear, his eyes searching mine. 

"Look... I don't know if you wanted to do something special tonight, but..." he sighed and his gaze fell. "I'm fucking exhausted. And I don't know if I'll be good like this—"

I cut him off with a hug. Sure, hugs weren't regarded with as possessing the same intimacy as a kiss, but sometimes it said more than a kiss ever could. It said "you're safe". 

C/N's chin came to rest on my shoulder after a quick peck to the neck. "Thank you," he whispered, my skin warming against his touch. 

I stroked his wet hair and looked out at the fairy light-covered backyard. He'd done more than enough, and here he was thanking me. My beautiful, thoughtful boy.

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