singhania Family

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Darsh sighania- A handsome 30-year-old businessman, he was born and raised in Mumbai, India. But for the last five years, he is living in New York, handling his family business. Singhania group of industries are a well-known business group in the world. They have their branches of different fields in business all over the world.
When darsh was five years old, his parents died in a car accident. He was too small to understand the loss. But his family never left him feeling orphans or alone in the world.
Darsh Singhania is a very crude businessman, a man of few words which are mostly orders or commands for others. He loathes liars, cheaters and backstabbers, has a different way to punish them in the worst way possible.
But for his family, he is a loving grandson, adorable nephew and caring brother to his cousins. His family is forcing him to get married for some time, but his hard look shut them off. Darsh had a past heartbreak which make him like this. He never trusts anyone easily.

Kedar Singhania and Gayatri Singhania
-Grandparents of darsh and head of the Singhania family. Mr Kedar Singhania is a very respected man in the business world. After bearing the loss of his eldest son and pregnant daughter in law who was more than a daughter to him., he was shattered. But now the couple has the responsibility of little darsh on their shoulders. Darsh is the apple of their eyes. They are very proud of Darsh's achievement and his upbringing.

Nirmal Singhania and pranali sighania -Uncle and aunt of darsh.In darsh's words chote papa and choti maa. This couple raised darsh as their son, after the tragic demise of his parents. They never differentiate between darsh and their twin sons. They loved darsh and were worried about his delaying marriage. But they thought to give him space and time for agreeing to this.

Aryan and Arnav Singhania-Cousin twin brothers of darsh.They adored darsh and his achievements. They never refused any order or suggestion coming from darsh. They are 26 yr old, finished their MBA and now handling the business under father and grandfather supervision.
They are talkative and fun-loving in the family and friend circle. But when it comes to business, they are very tough people. For the world, this two are the heirs of the Singhania empire led by their brother Darsh Singhania.

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