chapter 22 .First Day Of College

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It’s Monday sanjana first day of college .Dadi and choti ma removed her chuda with necessary rituals. Sanjana wore a Kurti with jeans ,arnav and aryan were going to drop her college has been two days since darsh left. chotima ,arnav ,Aryan make full efforts to make her happy .Sanjana reached college, she went to meet the principal first as darsh had told her. They introduced Sanjana as a transfer student. She got her timetable and class details from the principal.

   She then left for class, she was finding it difficult to find the classroom when she was looking for her classroom she collided with a boy. she muttered sorry to him, but that boy was just watching her without blinking his eyes. Sanjana walked past him just then she found the right class. When she entered the class the professor was already present;Sanjana Singhshe wished him and gave the letter provided by the principal. The professor introduced her as sanjana singh, a transfer student who is going to give the final exam of MBA here.

      The boy who met her in the lobby was present there. ,he was carefully listening to her introduction.

Then class resumed, Sanjana got seated in the second row beside a girl . After the class got over., the students walked out of the class .Sanjana was also going to check out the canteen and look out for other classes. When she reached the canteen she ordered a coffee for herself. When she was enjoying the coffee;watching she was having these weird feelings that somebody is . watching  her ,she looked around but she found everyone is busy in enjoying meal or chatting .The girl who sat next to her came up to her to introduce herself.

  “Hi Sanjana, I am Ayesha. So you are from Dehradun. ,it’s a nice place isn’t it?”

   “Hi, yes Dehradun is peaceful,”

    “?So, where do you stay ?, Ayesha asked curiously 

“actually with my friend’s family” sanjana lied as darsh told her too.

   “Ooh ‘ok” ayesha looked satisfied

     “Today we are getting our final project assignment which should be completed in a month and the assignment marks will be added to the main exam marks .It's good you joined today only that way you will finish it given time.”Ayesha informed sanjana.

     Sanjana was happy that she was.  not going to miss any more classes.  .When the class again started, the professor told them about the assignment and also that it has to be done in groups .Two people will get one assignment. Ayesha whispered to her 

“I hope to get kartik as a partner. You know he is a topper, a son of a famous hotelier Gautami Kapoor, and a bachelor handsome man, but he doesn’t enjoy talking much. If I got him as a partner in assignment then maybe I will have time to become his girlfriend too, so exciting na. just pray for me, sanjana.”

   Sanjana laughed at the excited girl as soon as the chit bowl started circulating in the class .When Sanjana‘s turn came she picked the chit and found kartik Kapoor on it.

“So sanjana singh and kartik kapoor are the assignment partners’ ‘ the professor announced .

      “ Hi, I am kartik Kapoor “the guy whom she collided with in the lobby came to her to introduce himself.

“Hello, I am Sanjana Singh “sanjana replied 

   “I know I heard your introduction, so from tomorrow we will start collecting the information needed for this assignment, you do your preparation i will do mine than after 10 days we can sit and make our assignments complete is that ok with you “kartik asked 

  “Yes, I am fine with it.“sanjana was more than ok “as she doesn’t feel comfortable with other males.

    After college, Aryan came to pick her up., when she reached the mansion where piyali was over excited to hear about her first day. Sanjana told everything, including the assignment as well. After dinner she was waiting for Darsh's call, after sometime darsh called her and asked about her first day in college. She narrated all day's incident happily to darsh like an excited kid., darsh was a patient listener to her as he knows her childlike innocence.

    Next day, Sanjana got ready excitedly and went to college. Arnav and Aryan again dropped her to the college as the college was on the way to their office.

After reaching college, she attended the back-to-back classes and then she went to the library to get some details about the assignment. After college, the driver came to pick her up as the twins were busy in some meetings.  

           Her daily routine consisted of attending college each day, then talking to Chotima about her day, and Darsh calling her each day to listen to her entire day's activities.

     It was the weekend. Kabir the amusement made a plan to visit the amusement park,they forced piyali too, to accompany them. Piyali doesn’t want to make sanjana uncomfortable, so she agreed. And the full day in the amusement park they enjoyed a lot, Kabir aryan and arnav with sanjana enjoyed almost every ride . chotima was relieved to see Sanjana happy and enjoying ,as she understood Sanjana missed darsh every day. The day when darsh left she had seen sanjana crying like a baby. piyali just wished that darsh should give a chance to this marriage. She knows darsh very well. He is a gem of a person, but his anger issues are a different aspect of him, as he never considers what he says in rage.. .when they came back gayatri told them about Kedar business trip, who will return on Monday. morning . On Sunday, the boys’ gang wanted to visit the club. They want to take sanjana with them. Sanjana had never been to a club, so she denied that without darshji she didn’t want to go.

  “ Oh ho bhabhi, going to clubs is not a big thing., you know darsh bro also visits clubs sometimes, ‘’ Aryan tried to convince. Getting no positive response, they all pleaded with eyes to piyali for help.

  “Sanjana, there is no harm in going to a club. In the future, you may have to accompany Darsh for business parties organized in the club. Then how will you manage? So just go with your brothers and see the club culture.. You are safe with your three brothers.’piyali said lovingly.

    Learning this, Sanjana agreed.. At night around 9.30 they left for the club. Sanjana wore a decent frock which piyali selected for her.

    When they entered the club, Aryan got hold of Sanjana’s hand.. The smell of alcohol and smoke were making her uneasy, but seeing the excitement of her brothers, she composed herself.

    They took sanjana on the dance floor. At first Sanjana hesitated but later on she also started enjoying it with them. After one hour of continuous dancing, she was feeling very thirsty, so four of them went for drinks. The boys ordered shots and orange juice for sanjana. While drinking, they all were chatting with each other. suddenly sanjana's mobile phone started vibrating, so she kept the glass on the table as chotima’s name was flashing on the screen.. She attended the call as chotima was telling them to return home as it is late. After talking with chotima sanjana told the boys choti ma’s message. They all hurriedly finished their leftover drink. Sanjana also picked up the orange juice and finished it in one go. She felt the taste was weird., but in a hurry she bothered a little. Actually, when she was speaking on the phone, another lady with an orange drink with some alcohol came to the counter to order some other drink. When sanjana picked the glass after the call, she picked the other glass which was having alcohol.

   On the way back home, the alcohol started showing its effect on sanjana. she started murmuring about how much she misses darsh. When he came back she started repeating these two sentences. Looking at her condition, the boys’ gang were scared, worried but were relieved thinking that darsh is not home so they will drop sanjana in her bedroom, and tell about her conditions to piyali so after receiving some scolding from her, she will take care of sanjana 

They reached the main door and as soon as they entered the living room they got a shock of life. Mr Kedar Singhania, Mr indrajit Narang and darsh were sitting in the living room having coffee. Piyali messaged darsh about Sanjana's club outing, so when they returned to Mumbai from  New York they all thought to wait for Sanjana to give her a surprise. Darsh was constantly watching the main door waiting for her as he wanted to see her surprise look.

But when the boys entered the tipsy looking sanjana by their side. All three of them stood up in surprise.

     When Sanjana saw darsh, she blinked her eyes to believe that she ran into darsh’s arms while shouting.

    “Darsh Ji you are back ,I missed you sooo much ... hiccup “

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