chapter 39 the most awaited news

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It was the time of festivals, first Rakhi, now it's janmashtami (. the day on which lord Krishna was born, it's his happy birthday), singhania mansion was decorated beautifully to celebrate this festival.. The Narang couple arrived from Delhi especially to celebrate this festival with dear sanjana. True to their promise, they gifted Sanjana an exquisite diamond set for her result.

Mr and Mrs Narang were happy to see the love blooming between darsh and sanjana.. They are relieved of darsh's married life.

love blooming between darsh and sanjana, they are relieved for darsh's married life.

Sanjana was keeping a fast from morning and she will eat her food only after the birth ceremony of lord Krishna which will happen at 12 at night. Darsh was not happy with Sanjana's fasting. But she was hell stubborn for keeping her fast darsh make her drink

Milk, which she consumed unhappily but in fear of darsh's anger, she doesn't argue.

It was the time for birth ceremony;the priest were done with the puja than the kanha idol was placed on a decorated small swing and the priest asks the couple one by one to come and a pull the thread which is attached to the swing, as they are pulling the cradle of kanhaji.

First, Mr Kedar singhania and Mrs gayatri singhania together pulled the thread, then Mr and Mrs Narang., then Nirmal and piyali and the last couple was darsh and sanjana, as they started pulling the thread. suddenly sanjana started feeling dizzy, and she limped on darsh's shoulder., Everybody rushed to her , darsh carried her to their bedroom, the doctor was called, when the doctor was checking her in the room.

Dash was walking back and forth outside the room, murmuring some curses.

"You know, I am just fed up with her stubbornness. Today I told her hundreds of times even though I pleaded with her to not keep this fast, now see what she has done to herself. I am telling everyone from now on she will not keep any fast for any reason."

Everybody silently listens to his blabbering as they know it is his love for sanjana which is making him worried.

The room door opened, and the doctor came.. The doctor was a family friend of singhania and a childhood friend of Nirmal Dr prajakta dixit.

She came near Kedar;she said on serious tone,

"Which sweet would you like to eat uncle?"

It surprised Kedar at this question

Darsh came near her. ", Aunty, my wife is still unconscious and you are here discussing sweets. What's going on?How is she? "

"Ooh! darsh beta, I actually asked the wrong question, which sweet will you give me. "

"Aunty, please stop speaking in riddles. I will give you the entire shop of,. sweet, but please tell me what's wrong with her. "

"Nothing is wrong with her.. It's good news, she is pregnant and the next generation is on its way."

As soon as she finished it, Mr Kedar singhania and Narang hugged each other in joy, Meena and gayatri also got so much emotional

Everybody congratulates darsh for the good news. But darsh just kept seated on the lobby sofa., he just smiled at everyone but showed no signs of excitement.

They went inside the room where Sanjana was sleeping.

"She will gain consciousness after some time but she is too weak. Please take care of her proper diet and make her rest for the first three months as they are crucial in the first pregnancy. "Dr prajakta stated

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