chapter 53 The missing facts

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“Aditi was never a good choice for my grandson, “an angry voice boomed in the living room as Mr. Indrajit Narang was back from his meeting. When he was going to enter the house,. he heard the last part where Kabir was pleading with her.

“Don’t you take that bitch’s name in my house, do you get it?” Indrajit shouted at Sanjana., who flinched at his loud voice.

“You want to know about Darsh’s love story, so listen to me,” Narang shouted at sanjana., she was the first time seeing his anger. It was like watching an older version of darsh in anger.

“Nanaji.“Kabir tried to stop him

“No Kabir, let me clear all her doubts about my grandson, who already suffered a lot and is still suffering because of..” Indrajit gritted his teeth and stopped himself from saying something bad about her.

Mrs Narang rushed to the drawing room, listening to her husband’s angry voice. 

“Indra, Indra please. “Meena Narang tried to calm him, but in vain.

Aditi was a gold digger. She never ever loved darsh. She used him, just used him. Do you get me? And you know why he doesn’t tell you about the aditi because he feared your reaction to this. And see how right he was. Aditi is no moreShe was his past or should I say his mistake, it's not that he is having an affair at your back after marriage.

I still cannot believe that for you my grandson was ready to leave his own house, yes you heard me right he told Kedar that if they will not accept you as their daughter-in-law then he will leave all his inherited property and shift to New York. How he stood by you in your hard times, didn’t you remember your condition in Dehradun but still?.”

“My grandson had suffered so much just because of that bitch.,but when you came into his life, you changed his sorrow into happiness. We were so happy for you both, but what did you do?”

“You believed that bitch over your husband. You blamed him. He used you for, heir so let me tell you one more truth. Tell me, did you ask him once? I assure you if you could have asked your question, he himself told you about Aditi.”

Beta, if you have a problem with his anger issue, then you should come to the elders. We should have taken care of it. You know your family loves you, but you never complain."

“Indra please.“Meena Narang tried to stop.

“Nanaji“kabir pleaded 

“No, Meena, she should know what she did.. She hurt my son, Meena. You know that day when your operation was going to start, the doctor asked darsh to choose between you and your child as they thought they could not save you both. You know whom did he choose?,he choose you sanjana, you,”

“And you thought so low about him. Why? What was his crime? Just one that he loved you from all his heart and you called him a cheater. Great, just great.“saying this indrajit marched towards his room.

Sanjana sat on the floor weeping badly. Kabir tried to console her.

At night, sanjana was sitting near her kids who were sleeping in the crib.Meena Narang entered her room with a glass of milk. She gave it to sanjana, and sanjana silently drank it. Kabir had already left in the evening, telling them not to disclose his visit to Singhanias.

“You know, the sanjana doctor told darsh to not have physical relations with you till delivery, piyali told me how he never touched you so that you should not suffer any complications as you are already suffering from some.

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