chapter 44 The kidnap

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Two people hold sanjana before falling and make her sit in a wheelchair. They cover her face with a stole and start dragging the wheelchair to the exit.

Sanjana's turn had come, but she was not back from the washroom, so Chotima and darsh went to check the washroom, but she was not there. The hospital authority informed Darsh that the cameras were damaged, much to his bad luck.. He understood he had to take some quick action. Darsh called the personal security guards outside the gate and ordered them to analyze each vehicle. No vehicle should pass without checking. He messaged Kabir and the brothers, and they all reached there within minutes. They made their men search the entire hospital for sanjana.

Mrs Chauhan doesn't understand what is happening? And where is sanjana?

The kidnapper got alerted as the security on gate was inspecting every vehicle

One kidnapper was driving the ambulance and the other one was with Sanjana, who was unconscious on a stretcher in the back.

Seeing the circumstances, they know they cannot take sanjana with them as per their plan. So they called their boss

"Ok boss,", saying this, the kidnapper took out a syringe and started filling it with some medicine. They inject sanjana with it but in the middle, the door of the ambulance opens with a bang the guards grab the kidnappers and grab the syringe, but half of the medicine has already been injected into the sanjana.

They informed darsh and took sanjana out on the stretcher and rushed inside the hospital. Darsh and Kabir were coming out of the hospital when they found sanjana on the stretcher.

The guards told darsh about the

Injection, the darsh face became pale. He rushed to the doctor with sanjana. Kabir noticed Sanjana's skin color was turning blue. He got scared of sanjana.

When they reached the floor, Dr. Prajakta took her to the ICU.. She asked darsh to show the syringe or medicine bottle which was injected into her.

The guard brought the bottle, Dr prajakta took it after she rushed to ICU

Kedar singhania, indrajit Narang, gayatri, Meena Narang rushed to the top floor.

Kabir narrated the whole incident. Kedar and Narang were full of rage but controlled themselves, as now the priority was sanjana.

Dr prajakta called all of them in the cabin, darsh rushed inside

"How is she?, she will be fine, na, "Darsh asked in a panicked voice.

"Please treat yourself darsh, I am sorry to say, but they injected her with a very rare poison, which spreads in the body in less time. We have to do an emergency operation, but I will not lie to you. The conditions are not favorable, but we will try our best. As her blood pressure is very high, in her case we have to choose the baby or the mother, considering her condition, I don't think we can save both of them. "

"This is the form of darsh. Please sign it and choose between sanjana and your child.

Tears brimmed in dash's eyes.

' Sanjana, just save my wife."

Kedar patted his shoulders. "Yes, we want our sanjana to be fine. "

"Fine, we are taking her to the OT in 5 minutes. You can see her before..

Darsh went into the ICU with a slumped shoulder.

Sanjana was lying there surrounded by tubes and needles attached to her. Darsh tears started flowing down seeing her in this condition. How much she hates needles now looks at her. He caressed her forehead, kissed on the forehead.

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