The chauhans

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Sanjana Singh- A 22yr old beautiful
a girl living with her maternal grandparents in Dehradun. She is a very quiet and shy type of girl. Her mother died while giving birth to her her parents met with an accident while coming to the hospital for her delivery. Her father Mr .sandeep Singh died on the accident spot only, but her mother make it to the hospital and died after giving birth to her.
Her parents had a love marriage, his father was an orphan who completed his studies totally on scholarship as he was very good in academics. Miss Naira Chauhan was a beautiful girl, Naira and Sandeep were college sweethearts. When Sandeep got a stable job in a reputed MNC ., Naira made him agree to elope and get married. As she knows her devil brother Narendra will never let them get married. So they got married in the temple, then a registered court marriage and shifted to Delhi. Before Sanjana's birth, when naira was seven months pregnant, she met her old neighbouring couple in Dehradun. She keeps in touch with them for knowing the well being of her parents. The hospital authority was giving Sanjana, the newborn baby to the orphanage but destiny had another plan. The old neighbours informed the Chauhans about the accident and birth of their granddaughter. The hospital contacted them through naira's hospital registration form in which she wrote the contact number of her old neighbour living in Delhi, just for emergency.
The very next day grandparents of Sanjana arrived and took custody of her. They left for Dehradun after doing the last rites of their daughter and son in law. They named her Sanjana, shipping Sandeep and naira's names.

Parmesh Chauhan -Sanjana's nanaji.a retired judge and a very respected and honourable man of Dehradun. He takes Sanjana as his responsibility and makes sure that her every need is fulfilled. He behaves like a very strict grandfather to her, as he doesn't want to repeat the history in his house. Naira was the most loved and pampered daughter, he never scolded her and made her every wish fulfilled before she ask for it. According to him, this had made her daughter more rebellious and she had taken the benefit of her freedom given by him. Her one wrong move had brought shame and become a black spot in his family name and reputation. So he was making it very sure that Sanjana should not get involved in this love thing. He educated her in all convent schooling, restricted the dress code when she was in her teenage, only salwar suits are allowed to her with proper pinned up dupatta or stole. She cannot leave the house without his permission, a car with a driver is always available for her. But he forgets that we cannot control destiny, whatever is in our destiny we have to face it, whether we like it or not.

Dhani Chauhan- A dignified lady with a beautiful heart full of kindness and love. Sanjana's nanima is the only ray of sunshine in the Chauhan house. She loved Sanjana with all her life. she very well knows the reason for her husband's actions, but she makes sure that Sanjana does not miss her parents' presence. She taught her every talent of households like cooking different delicacies, from Indian cuisine to Italian, Chinese and the list goes on. By doing this she gave Sanjana a kind of escapism from the emptiness in her life. She only has one regret in her life that her only daughter never trusted her with her secrets. If naira had approached her for her alliance with Sandeep, she would have convinced all the family members of her marriage. But what is done is a bitter past. with Sanjana, she tried to develop a bond of friendship and trust, so that her granddaughter should never face such destiny, like her daughter.

Narendra Chauhan- A rude, cruel man full of false ego, shitty attitude. He is the uncle / mamaji of Sanjana. He hate the existence of Sanjana from the minute he came to know about it. It seems luck was not at his side as he has to share his house with her .when Narendra Chauhan was informed about her sister's death, he was feeling very relieved, as the favourite child of his parents was no more. Naira was good in every field from childhood. Topper in class, then in college, winner of different competitions, debates. In whatever field she got involved, always she was the best in it. This was the start of building a raft in their relationship, their parents always praised naira and scolded him for his irresponsible actions. When Narendra completed his MBA with not good grades his father established a small business to settle him. He got him married to a high society girl who was eager to make relationships with Chauhan. Kedar and Dhani Chauhan thought that after marriage Narendra's attitude towards life will change. But to their disappointment, nothing was changed, not even after becoming a father of two kids. His wrong decisions in business have started to destroy his business. With the entry of Sanjana into this family, the half share of the property which should have been given to him after naira's demise has got into a drain.

Nandini Chauhan -A wicked aunt /Mami to Sanjana, a spoiled high society girl at young age met Narendra at a party .when she came to know about his father s reputation and the name of his family She convinced her greedy parents for this alliance, they also agreed with her after listening to the name of Chauhan's.But to her bad luck her husband was not a good businessman ., but from her, in-laws' support or precisely money, there was no loss of comfort or lavish lifestyle. She was the mother of two Neil and Nitin, both are the apple of her eyes But her excess love money and freedom made them spoiled they are 24 and 20 years old They only know how to spend money on girlfriends and boozing. Earning money is out of their concern. Nandini hate Sanjana from the core of her heart., she was never on good terms with naira, to her luck after six months of her marriage, naira eloped with Sandeep. At that time she was very relieved, but when her mother in law brought Sanjana home she cursed her faith She never gave any motherly love to Sanjana, she never leaves a chance to taunt her or humiliate her in front of others .she was scared and threaten Sanjana so much from childhood. , that the poor girl never complains about her aunt to her Nani. Nandini acts like a very dutiful daughter in law in front of her inlaws

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