[Ending 2- 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂]

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ayo why we going so fast??

lana 🤨⁉️
yea that's right
feel guilty
which one of you guys came to say goodbye??


"y/n get up. i think someone came for you" lana said as they released me from their hug so i could get off of their lap. i looked to where they were pointing and saw bakugou walking towards us with an unreadable expression and his hands shoved in his pockets. i got off of their lap and stood up so i could talk to him.

"hey bakugou" i said wiping my tears away. I smiled, trying to hide my sadness cause when we were hanging out in my dorm one time he said he hated crybaby's. he also told me that he especially hated it when i was sad or crying.

"dumbass, you can't hide your sadness from me" he said as he just pulled me into his chest and hugged me, shocking me. but before i could hug him back he shoved me off and flicked my forehead. "that's what you get for being a dumbass and trying to run away" he said as he put his hands back in his pockets.

"well i'm your dumbass" i smiled, which pissed him off, even though he had a small blush on his face.

"shut the hell up" he said as he looked away.

"boarding call for flight to (some city in america)" the lady on the intercom said. i looked back to bakugou and saw the sadness in his eyes.

"if you...didn't have to go to america, and could stay here...would you?" bakugou asked as he did everything to avoid eye contact.

"of course i would. but unfortunately it wouldn't work out" i said as i looked sadly over to where keishin was impatiently waiting for me.

"i can fix that" bakugou smirked before he walked over to talk to keishin. lana came up to me, looking as confused as i felt.

"what was that about?" they asked

"no idea" i said. eventually bakugou came back with a proud look on his face.

"you better worship me cause thanks to me, you don't have to go to america" bakugou said as he pulled me into a hug. as his words processed i wrapped my arms around him and just started sobbing into his chest. "ew a crybaby" i heard him laugh.

"as you once told me, shut up before i rail you into oblivion" i said as i punched his chest. but he just looked at me with a smile.

when we got back to the dorms i was hungry so i headed into the kitchen to see what we had to eat. and of course there was nothing. so instead i glared at the fridge.

"are you just gonna sit there and pout like a brat or do you want something to eat?" bakugou asked from behind me. i turned around with a huge smile on my face that was practically begging for food. he just laughed and started digging through the pantry and the fridge to find ingredients to make something.

"can i help?" i asked as i watched him chop peppers.

"just chop these up and try not to screw it up!" he yelled as he went to cook something in a pot on the stove. once i chopped everything up i pulled myself up on the counter and just watched him cook. eventually he was done and served me a bowl of it. "here. it's the spiciest ramen that i could ever make" he said with a sadistic smile.

"cool" i said as i took a bite. i don't know what he was talking about cause this ramen only had a slight zest. "this is pretty good but it's not that spicy" i said as i took another bite. but out of the corner of my eye i saw bakugou staring at me in disbelief. "you should cook more often" i said.

"and be everyone's house wife? no thanks" he said as he took a bite of his ramen.

"doesn't matter anyway you'll end up being my housewife" i said smirking at him. he looked at me with wide eyes and a slight blush. "what? i hope you already know i'm gonna marry you" i said as i went to take another bite of ramen as he choked on his.

and two years after we graduated, we did end up getting married. the proposal was fairly simple, but i can gladly say that i was the one to purpose to him. we argued at first because we ended up trying to purpose at the same time, but we agreed that i got on one knee first. therefore i purposed first.

-flashback to the proposal-

"NO! I GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE FIRST!" katsuki shouted at me.

"TRY AGAIN BUD! I TOTALLY PULLED MY RING OUT FIRST!" i screamed back at him. to anyone else it might have sounded like we were having a genuine argument, but truth be told we were smiling and laughing the whole time because we found it funny that we loved each other so much, we both wanted to marry each other.

"Y/N! BABE! I SWEAR I PROPOSED FIRST!" katsuki shouted at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"KATSUKI NO IM TELLING YOU I DID!" i said laughing.

"FINE! YOU WIN! happy wife happy life!" katsuki said calming down.

"soooo? you gotta answer the question" i smiled at him.

"the fact that i tried proposing to you at the same time isn't a good enough yes?" he asked laughing, so i shook my head no. "fine. L/N Y/N I WILL GLADLY HAVE YOU AS MY WIFE!" katsuki shouted as he picked me up and spun me around while i laughed.

-end of flashback-

a year late we got married and then three years later we found out i was pregnant. katsuki freaked out but in a good way. he went and bought a whole bunch of baby stuff saying that "you won't know we need it until we don't have it dumbass" i think he was just really excited for the baby to get here and maybe didn't want to show it. we found out that i was having a girl and let me tell you, katsuki spoiled that little girl rotten.

-flashback to when she was four-

"katsuki, just because she wants the toy doesn't mean she can have it" i deadpanned at him while our daughter was throwing a fit in the middle of the aisle.

"why not? she wants it, you're not screaming at me, and i'm stupid rich. she can have it" he said as he handed her the toy she wanted.

"thanks dad. i knew you were the best" she smiled a toothless smile.

"and your the best daughter" he smiled as he ruffled her ashe blonde hair.

-end of flashback-

he gave her everything she wanted. he spoiled me too of course. i tried telling him that we were fine and that he didn't need to do that, but i think it was his way of showing love. it didn't matter to me though cause i was just happy with my beautiful family.

hey y'all 🕺🕺

here's bakugouuu😁😁


then sero, kirishima, dabi, mina, jirou, hawks, then meeeee 💃

anyway drink some water and eat some food

or imma delete ur favorite chapter 👁👁

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