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"You need to be more responsible!" Keishin yelled at me, for the fourth time today, and honestly? I'm about to throw hands. "You need to think! For once, in your damn life! You need to start acting like your age!"

"And you need to stop acting like dad!" I shouted back, but that was it. I spoke about our parents and broke the unspoken rule. He was furious, I could tell, because now he wasn't saying anything. After about five minutes of silence, he finally spoke, but he was so quiet, I almost missed it.

"Get out." He said, hands balled in fists, shaking at his sides.

"Gladly." I said, before I stomped off to my room to pack just the bare essentials. As I was packing, my twin Shoyo came into our shared room.

"Y/n? What's going on? Why's Keishin so upset? Wait, are you packing? Y/n, what's going on? Where are you going?" Shoyo bombarded me with questions, clearly wanting answers on why what's left of our family is falling apart. I stopped stuffing the backpack that I had put together and sighed. I slowly turned toward him with tears in my eyes, and saw that he had worry in his.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay Shoyo. I'm just going to go away for a while. I can't take it anymore, I need to get out of here." I said, with a sad smile on my face. He smiled and nodded in understanding and opened his arms for a hug, which I gladly excepted, his hugs were the best and only ones I got. I know Shoyo's not blind, he knows that Keishin and I fight all the time and he knows that it really gets to me sometimes. But tonight, I just had had enough. Breaking the hug, Shoyo looked me dead in the eye and spoke.

"Be careful please? And don't be afraid to come back, I'll be waiting for you okay? Go take some time away for a little bit. It might make him realize." He said, with tears coming to his eyes, I gave him one last hug, and left. As I was walking out, I noticed that Keishin had gone back up to his room, so he wouldn't even know I left. Not like he cared anyways. I made sure to slam the door, just to rub salt into the wound, and started walking down our front steps, only to find my second to oldest brother walking up. So now he decides to show up?

"Hey Y/n, where ya goin'?" Karma asked me, with his usual carefree expression on his face. As if its any of his business, he goes away for days, sometimes weeks at a time, and just walks back in here. I think it's for his job, but I honestly have no idea, for all I know he could be an assassin. I tightened the straps on my backpack, and shrugged.

"Anywhere but here, I got kicked out." I said, not really caring at this rate. But what I said, wiped the usual smile straight off his face. I shrugged again and started walking away, but he grabbed my wrist, forcing me to turn around and look at him.

"What? Are you serious?" He asked, getting angrier by the second. I nodded, and he immediately dropped my wrist and went inside. I was about to start walking away again until I heard lots of crashing and yelling. Hehe, good luck Keishin. I started walking, not really knowing where to go, and I slowly started to worry about my brother. Not Keishin or Karma, they could always handle themselves, but Shoyo. He was my twin and he was kind of sensitive. None of us ever hurt him, physically or emotionally, but who's to say that he won't get caught in the crossfires of the older two. Keishin would always yell at me, and I would yell back most of the time. Karma would laugh at us, unless he ever needed to step in for us being to much for Shoyo. Although, if Keishin was ever out of line, Karma was always right there to have my back. Now, I'm pretty sure Karma is standing up for me, making sure Keishin knows that he was out of line by kicking their 15 year old sister out of the house, and Shoyo is going to be stuck in the middle, having to hear them fight like our parents did when they were still alive. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing. I ignored it at first, thinking it was one or all of my brothers, but then it got annoying when it didn't stop and it was pleasantly surprising to see my new random internet friends talking.

1-A Homies

Alright, which one of you fuckers took my soba
I'm not mad
I just wanna talk
@ God
I'm so sorry Todoroki!
I just saw it there, and I was really hungry!
I didn't think it was yours!
I can make you some more if you'd like?
Please spare me!
Aux Cord:
It's okay Yaomomo
You didn't know
And @ Icythot
Lay a hand on her and you'll never have children

Random Hoe:
Hey guys, can I ask a weird question?

If its anything about kinks or sum...
I'm not answering

Random Hoe:
What? no
I was just wondering if I could stay with one of you guys for tonight

Ew no, why?
Secret Love Child:
Well, we all kind of live in dorms together
Alien Bitch:
Even though we live in dorms, I'm sure we've got another room you could stay in!

Random Hoe:
Thank you so much guys
Can you like send me directions or something because I really don't feel like getting lost rn

I can just come get you
Your dumbass would get lost I'll just go fucking get you
Since I already know where you live I can come get you
A true man would never let a lady walk alone at night! I can come protect you!
Alien Bitch:
The fact that you guys all sent those at the same time-
Tape Boi:

Random Hoe:
So can I get directions or not

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