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2 Years Later

I struggled up the steps as I carried a huge cardboard box. I yelped as I nearly missed a step, which would've sent me tumbling backwards. My yelp must have alerted Trent because seconds later he was in front of me, grabbing the box.

"Baby, you have to be careful! You should have taken a lighter box," he scolded as he effortlessly carried the box the rest of the way to our apartment.

"I thought I could carry it," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're going to be the death of me, Gray," Trent laughed, setting the box down in the middle of our new living room. "What even is in here? A body?"

"No," I laughed, "It's all of my gifts from you for the last two years!"

"A couple of Funko Pops weigh that much?"

"It's more than a couple babe," I laughed. Trent has really encouraged my love of all things nerdy by buying me every collectible thing he could find for all of my favorite shows and movies. This box wasn't even the whole collection, but I wasn't going to mention that.

"Grayson!" Dad hollered from the hallway. I ran out there to see him struggling with two boxes of his own. I quickly snatched the second box from him and carried it to our bedroom, it was full of my clothes. "I never realized just how much shit you had." Dad laughed, following me into the room and placing his box down next to mine.

"Why is everyone complaining about my stuff?" I whined.

"Because we got my stuff in two hours ago and we've been bringing your stuff in ever since," Trent laughed as he came over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Hey, you, have half of your stuff back at your dad's still!"

"It's still less than what you have," he teased.

"Is it too late to take my name off the lease?" I joked.

"Hey now, I'm just kidding. I'm sorry," Trent cooed as he kissed my head.

"You should really be nicer to me," I said.

"Whatever you say, honey."

"God, you two sound like an old married couple," Dad said as he headed back out to get more boxes. He was nearly trampled by two kindergarteners on his way out the door.

"Uncle Trent!" The kids shouted as they launched themselves at my boyfriend. I laughed as he picked one up in each arm and hugged them tight.

"Hey guys! What do you think of the place?"

"It's great!" Damon shouted, jumping out of Trent's arm. "Can we have sleepovers here?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course guys! Danica, what do you think?"

"I love it!" She shouted, her blonde curls bouncing as she ran around the apartment.

"Hey man!" Brayden called as he entered the apartment.

"Hey! I think your siblings nearly killed Grayson's dad on the way in," Trent laughed.

"Hey Damon, Danica! Go apologized to Mr. Daniels. I told you to be careful!" Brayden scolded his siblings. The twins nodded and made their way to find my dad.

"Where's Cole?" I asked, looking around for Brayden's thirteen year old brother.

"At a friend's house. Apparently he's too cool to help his uncles move," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, well now that you're here, we have to go back to my dad's to get the rest of my stuff."

"Alright, we'll follow you," Brayden said as he went off to find his brother and sister.

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