Chapter 7

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The school day dragged on for what seemed like a century. My paranoia was at an all-time high, I was constantly looking over my shoulder for Kyle. I also could not escape the feeling of being under a microscope. I felt even more vulnerable knowing that Trent wasn't here. Not that him being here had helped me at all since he fought his way into my life. But I couldn't help but find comfort in the idea that someone could be around the corner waiting to save me from my daily beatings. Knowing now that no one could possibly be there, well that was hard.

"Grayson, what happened this morning?" Nat asked when we finally got to lunch.

"I don't want to talk about it," I mumbled as I stuffed my face full of soggy cafeteria fries.

"Well, the whole school kind of is," she said, and for the first time I noticed just how many eyes were actually on me. The whole cafeteria was snickering and pointing. My cheeks flushed a deep shade of red and I sunk into my seat at the table.

"Then you should know what happened." I said and stared at my tray of food.

"Everyone's been saying that you and Trent are dating? And that he tried to kill Kyle?" She asked in disbelief.

"Whoa, we're not dating!"

"So he did try to kill him?"

"No, of course not!" I did think back to when he threatened Kyle's life last week, but he was just trying to scare him. "Is Kyle still here?"

"No, he got taken to the hospital, I think his nose is like, shattered." I shivered at the thought, broken bones always freaked me out.

"Well at least I can relax now," I sighed and kept picking at my French fries.

"What happened to Trent? I heard he got arrested."

"What? No! God people around here are so desperate for gossip. He got suspended for a week," I grumbled.

"A week? And nothing happened to Kyle?"

"He actually never really got a hit in. He swung but he missed, and it was just Trent beating the piss out of him."

"What started it?" Nat asked.

"What do you think?"

"God, I can't believe it's 2020 and there are still homophobic bullies," her words dripped with anger.

"Believe it, because it's what I live every single day."

"I wish we could do something about it," she said.

"We tried, it's no use. Dr. Murphy knows he started it, there's no way he doesn't. But his dad is like, the school board president or whatever, so he's untouchable.

"And Trent gets suspended for a week for protecting you. It's bullshit."

"I think he was mostly protecting himself to be honest."

"What do you mean?" Her brows furrowed as she turned to look at me.

"Kyle keeps saying we're boyfriends and that we're dating. I don't think Trent liked the implication that he was gay very much, especially after the party.

"What happened at the party?" Nat asked, ears perked to hear the hot gossip.

"I don't know exactly," I sighed. "We left the party after you and Brayden went to dance and he started talking about what we'd be doing if I was one of the girls he takes out."

"Was he saying he regrets hanging out with you?" Her brows furrowed.

"No, I don't think so?"

"Did he say anything else?"

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