Chapter 13

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I heard the door shut and I flinched, shutting my eyes and trying to steady my breathing that was now erratic. Trent was unsure of what to do but he just squeezed my hand reassuringly and told me he was here, and it would be okay. It wasn't okay though, the man who abused me for years was back in my house. I felt powerless, like a prisoner in my own home. The weight that had been on my chest since Mom told me he was coming was now completely crushing me. My worst nightmare was actually happening, I didn't know how to make it okay.

"Grayson, we're back!" Dad called up the stairs. I could hear the muffled sounds of voices from downstairs, and the panic grew as I picked out Adam's voice among the noise. I began to shake uncontrollably as I stood up from my bed, Trent following, still holding tight to my hand.

"It's okay, Gray. Deep breaths. He can't hurt you now. I'm here." I tried to do as Trent said. I just kept telling myself that he couldn't hurt me. I repeated those words in my head as we walked down the stairs and to the living room. Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch with Adam, chatting over cups of coffee. I saw the back of his head, that shaggy blonde hair that haunted my dreams, and I froze. Trent stopped next to me and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "I'm right here," he whispered, propelling me to move forward again. When we arrived in the living room my parents smiled, and Adam turned around to face me for the first time. His bright blue eyes pierced through my soul, and I had to lean on Trent to keep from collapsing.

This is what happens to boys who don't listen. Began playing in my head over and over again as he smirked mischievously at me. "Grayson, I didn't realize that Trent would be here," Mom said flatly. "Adam, obviously you remember Grayson, and this is his... um..."

"Boyfriend." Trent said in the same monotone as my mom. He stared Adam down as he spoke, his emerald eyes meeting Adam's baby blue ones, jaw hardening. Adam's eyes widened at the word and then his expression became one of fear. He knew that Trent knew, and he was afraid of him.

"Right, this is Grayson's boyfriend, Trent." Adam got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to Trent and me. Without making it obvious I tried to move a little behind Trent, and Trent had instinctively started stepping in front of me as well. Adam held his right hand out as he approached us.

"It's very nice to meet you," he smiled as he waited for Trent to shake his hand. Trent plastered on his best fake smile and shook Adam's hand, gripping as tight as he could causing Adam to wince in pain.

"You as well." Then Adam turned to me.

"Grayson, it's so good to see you again! How about a hug for Uncle Adam?" He asked as he held his arms out and got closer to me. I felt like I had been punched in the gut as he wrapped his arms around me. "Oh how I've missed you," he whispered in my ear as he gave me one last squeeze. I was trying to breathe but I couldn't do anything but stand there and shake, I was beginning to feel lightheaded and I turned to Trent, silently begging for help.

"Hey Grayson, can you help me get something from my truck?" He asked and I nodded quickly following him out of the house as fast as I could. As soon as the door shut safely behind me, I let out a choked sob. Trent just led me to his truck and opened the passenger door so I could get in. I sat with my back against the door, facing away from my house, and Trent climbed into the driver's seat. He sat patiently while I sobbed and hyperventilated, making no move to say anything or touch me. To most that would be the opposite of how a boyfriend should react, but for me this was exactly what I needed. It was amazing how he knew that, knew when it was okay to reach out and when I just needed to be left one.

"H-he whispered that he m-missed me," I choked out eventually. Trent's eyes glazed over with anger and his jaw hardened.

"I'm going to go in there, and fucking kill him," he spat, hitting the steering wheel in frustration. I whimpered with each blow to the wheel and recoiled further from him.

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