Chapter 10

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The whole day I just kept thinking about what Brayden said. I was helping Trent. What did he need help with? How was I helping? I could barely help myself. I was in and out of stuttering during all of my conversations that morning. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't completely get rid of it. But I guess that's why some people go through years of speech therapy for stutters.

I was sitting at lunch with Brayden and Nat. The two of them were making eyes at each other across the table the whole period. I couldn't help but laugh and roll my eyes at them. I also couldn't help but be jealous of them. I wished so badly it was Trent and I making eyes across a lunch table. After my conversation with Brayden this morning, I didn't know if that would ever happen.

"Hey Grayson, you know Jacob and Ian come back tomorrow, right?" Brayden asked as he walked me to class after lunch. I froze as the realization hit me.

"R-really?" I hadn't been keeping track of the days, just enjoying my time free from them.

"Yeah, so I'm going to escort you to every class, okay?"

"O-okay, thanks," I replied nervously.

"Grayson, I promise I won't let them hurt you."

"I t-trust you," I stuttered, half truthfully.

"Don't worry about it, okay?" I nodded, knowing that I wouldn't stop worrying about it. I tried my hardest to push the thoughts out of my mind for the rest of the day. When the bell rang at 2:12 I smiled, knowing that I would see Trent. Brayden met me outside of my class and escorted me to Trent's truck. Although I was trying to remain calm, I wasn't fooling Trent for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

"They come back tomorrow."

"Brayden will protect you; I promise."

"I want to trust you."

"So trust me," he pleaded.

"I barely know you."

"Maybe we should change that," Trent said with a smirk. "Want to come over?"

"L-like to y-your house?" Trent's eyes widened as he noticed my fear.

"Oh my god, I'm not going to try anything." He insisted. "You just, you said you want to get to know me, I thought seeing where I live would help." I looked into his emerald eyes and instantly melted.

"Okay," I said, possibly against my better judgment. Trent lit a cigarette as he drove us to his house, and I watched anxiously as he turned down the unfamiliar streets towards his house. My knee shook and I tried to sing along with the radio while we drove toward the wealthier side of town. I was confused as the houses got bigger and bigger. When Trent pulled into the driveway of a large brick house, I looked to him with confusion.


"This is your house?"

"Try not to sound so shocked," he scoffed.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just, you," I gave up while I was behind.

"I get it, I don't look like I come from money, I'm not upset. Come inside, you'll see why." We got out of the truck and went into the house. Walking into the foyer my jaw dropped. There in the entry way was a chandelier, a grand staircase, and an otherwise sterile looking home. The rest of the rooms of the main floor were sterile and minimalistic. Modern art hung on the walls and the furniture was all black leather, glass, or some kind of metal. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Just water." I thanked Trent as he handed me a water bottle from the fridge. "This house is beautiful."

"Yeah, if you read Architectural Digest. This place doesn't feel like a home, it's just a beautiful model home."

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