Chapter 4

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After tossing and turning all night, my alarm finally went off signaling that it was six a.m. and time to get ready for my day. I rolled out of bed, being sure not to land on my right foot, and headed to my closet. I opened the doors that were covered in posters of my favorite bands and movies and picked out my outfit for the day. I settled on black skinny jeans, a black tee, and a red flannel before heading to my bathroom to shower. I put on some music, deciding on a Disney medley for this morning, and sang along like I was putting on a one-man Broadway musical. I loved music and singing, I would never do it in front of someone, but it made me forget just how fucked up I was.

Once my impromptu performance was over, I spent longer than usual working on my appearance. My hair just did not seem to fall correctly, my skin looked broken out, I felt bloated and just generally like shit. This wasn't exactly a new feeling, I often felt ugly. I just never cared before honestly. I was more concerned with trying to not become a hate crime statistic every day. Is that too dark?

"Grayson, are you ready to go?" Mom shouted from downstairs. I sighed in frustration and left my bathroom, grabbing my backpack before limping down the stairs. "I'm going to drive you to school until your ankle heals, okay?"

"Uh, sure. Won't you be late to work?"

"I talked to my boss last night, she's okay with me coming in a little later." I nodded and went into the kitchen to grab a granola bar and some fruit to eat on the ride to school. I left the house and headed to my mom's car while she locked up the house behind her. I was about to get in when I heard heavy footsteps coming toward me. I looked up to see Trent walking toward me and a look of confusion instantly crossed my face.

"Wh-what are you doing h-here?" I asked as he got closer.

"I'm here to drive you to school. I didn't want you to have to walk with your ankle." He smiled nervously, scratching the back of his neck as he spoke. He appeared nervous, and I was reminded of yesterday when he stormed out.

"Um, my mo-"

"Honey, who's this?" Mom asked as she walked up to Trent and me.

"This is-"

"Trent Rodriguez, ma'am," he said and held out his hand for my mom to shake. Was anyone going to let me finish a sentence this morning?

"Nice to meet you, Trent. What are you doing here?" She asked politely.

"I'm here to drive Grayson to school, if that's alright. I know he walks and with his sprained ankle I didn't want him to hurt it further," he smiled sweetly at my mom. This was a very different version of Trent from what I was used to. He was charming and polite, he didn't smell of cigarettes, and other than his style of dress all remnants of his bad boy persona were gone.

"You must be the friend who helped him home yesterday?"

"Yes, ma'am, I am."

"Thank you for getting him home safe. Gray is very clumsy, he's lucky you were there yesterday." He looked confused by what my mom said but decided to ignore it.

"Well, thank you. I'm just happy I was there and able to help. So, is it okay if I drive him today?"

"Well, I suppose that would be okay. I guess I could get to work on time," she shrugged.

"You sure, Mom?" I asked, secretly hoping she would insist on driving me. Another part of me was also secretly hoping she would insist I go with Trent.

"Yeah, of course. Spend time with your friend!" She smiled and then turned to get in her car. I think she was just happy that I had a "friend" who wasn't Nat. I turned to look at Trent and we just stood awkwardly while my mom backed out of the driveway.

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