Chapter 27

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"Good morning!" I said cheerily as I walked into the kitchen the next morning.

"Someone's in a good mood," Dad said as he sipped his coffee. Mom glared at him, "not that it's a bad thing, bud. We're glad to see you happy!" He quickly added. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"So kiddo," Mom started, "We're going away on our rescheduled anniversary trip next week, you remember right?"

"Yes Mom, and I told you guys I would be fine."

"I'm sorry, I know we keep asking. We'll have cell service the whole time we paid for an international plan, so if you need us you can just ca-"

"Mom! It's okay, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. Unless you guys have other pedophile friends you want to invite over," I shot before I could stop myself. Mom dropped the coffee mug she had been holding as her jaw dropped, Dad just stared at me, eyes wide. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean,"

"Just go to school Grayson," Mom said sternly.


"Just go." She pointed to the door and I reluctantly walked toward it. I grabbed my backpack and took one last look into the kitchen before I left. I gave my parents a weak smile which only my father returned. Luckily Trent was already outside, waiting for me in his truck. He made his way to the passenger side, cigarette in hand, and opened the door for me as always.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I got in the truck.

"What's wrong?" Trent asked as he settled back into the driver's seat.

"I said something really shitty to my parents."

"What'd you say?"

"They were talking about how they're going away next week, and they were freaking out over if I'd be okay. Finally, I just said I can take care of myself unless they had other pedophile friends they wanted to invite over."

"Gray," Trent sighed.

"I know... Mom dropped her coffee mug. Dad was speechless, I've never seen my father speechless."

"Shit, babe."

"I know, she wouldn't even let me apologize, she just told me to go to school."

"I'm sure she just needs time to calm down, give her some space. Talk to her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"You're staying at my place tonight. Dad's working overnight."

"Oh, o-okay," my cheeks flushed as I took deep breaths. Now, I'm not going to lie, I was going to invite Trent to stay at my place while my parents were away. I may or may not have been planning some intimate things for then. But not tonight, I was not prepared for tonight.

"Don't worry Gray, we won't do anything you're not okay with, or ready for. I just want to spend some time with you."

"I trust you, you know that right?"

"I know, where is this coming from?"

"I just wanted to make sure you knew. And that you knew that just because I may be nervous it doesn't mean I don't trust you."

"I know, please try not to worry too much. I promise you we can move at your pace, you make all the rules tonight babe," he smiled and my heart instantly melted. I trusted him; I knew I could trust him.

"Good morning Grayson, you're looking awfully cheerful this morning," Ms. Reynolds said as I walked into class after kissing Trent goodbye. I was feeling a lot better about this morning. I knew my mom would forgive me eventually, I just had to apologize and maybe cook them dinner and all would be forgiven. After Trent's proposal for tonight, I couldn't help but be all smiles as I walked into first period. "It's a nice change," Ms. Reynold's remarked as I walked past her.

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