Chapter 28

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I flopped down on Trent's bed as soon as I entered his room, "God, I would kill for a good coma right now," I sighed dramatically.

"Okay, Moira," Trent laughed as he lay down next to me. I swung an arm over his stomach and pulled myself close to him, swinging my leg over his. I breathed in and smiled at Trent's familiar scent.

"I'm serious I could just fall asleep right now, I ate way too much Chipotle."

"We can nap if you want," he says and kisses my forehead.

"Yeah, maybe for a bit," I mumble as I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"Sweet dreams, love."

"Night, night!"

When I wake it's dark outside, and Trent is still asleep. I prop myself up on my elbow and just watch him, he looks so innocent when he sleeps, so at peace. He's a completely different Trent, I want him to be this person forever. I catch glimpses of him every once in a while, but he never stays for long. I wish he knew it was safe to be that person all the time, the person who doesn't constantly worry, the person who isn't afraid of their father, the person who isn't afraid to be himself all the time. Trent has helped me see that for myself, I can only hope that I can do that for him.

I carefully outstretch my hand, running my fingers through his hair while he sleeps. A small smile creeps up on his face, and I'm afraid I've woken him for a moment, but he doesn't open his eyes or make any move. So, I lay there running my fingers through his hair, admiring my beautiful boyfriend.

"Good morning," Trent mumbles as he snuggles close to me.

"It's eight o'clock at night babe," I giggle.

"Is it really?"


"Shit, how long have you been up?"

"Maybe ten minutes or so, why?" I asked as I continued to run my fingers through his dark hair.

"What were you doing all that time?"

"Honestly? Just watching you sleep," I blushed.

"That sounds so boring," he laughed as he cuddled up into me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. This was new, me holding Trent while we cuddled. I liked it, I liked the feeling of him in my arms, clinging to me for safety.

"It's really not, though. You look so peaceful when you sleep, it's really beautiful."

"I'm sure it's only because I was sleeping next to you. I don't remember the last time I slept that good."

"Well, I'm happy to help."

"So, what do you want to do now that we slept half the night away?"

"Sleep more?" I laughed.

"Seriously though, do you want to put on a movie, or we could go get some dinner or snacks, or-"

"Or I could have you for a snack," I blurted, interrupting Trent before I could stop myself. His jaw dropped as my cheeks went through every shade of red in the book.

"I mean, I wouldn't say no." I smirked and swung my leg over him so I was straddling his waist. I leaned down and gently kissed his lips, biting his bottom lip as I pulled away. "Whoa, babe are you sure? I was really just kidding; you know I don't expect anything?" He asked, concern in his emerald eyes.

"Sh, I want to, I want you, so bad," I whispered in his ear, nibbling on it before trailing kisses down his neck. Trent let out a quiet moan as I reached his collar bone. I reached for the hem of his shirt and Trent sat up so I could pull the shirt over his head. I connected our lips as I threw the shirt on the floor and ran my hands down his torso. Trent tugged at the hem of my shirt and I broke our kiss to take it off, tossing it in a pile with Trent's. He placed his hands on my hips, gently running his thumbs along the waistline of my jeans, sending shivers up my spine.

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