11. Safe

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Saturday 11.22pm

"Mina!!!" He stands quickly and comes close to me, trying to hold me, but I push him away weakly still enraged.

"Get..." I can't control my breathing and shaking. "Viv..."

He rushes back inside the club and a couple of people who I never saw before in my life, get closer.

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Panic... attack..." I am still crying, feeling exposed and embarrassed of the spectacle I am making of myself. The girl sits next to me on the ground and holds my hand, looking at me with a gentle and kind smile.

"I'm gonna stay with you okay? Try to focus on something. Do you like the band tonight?"

I know what she's trying to do and I force myself to focus on her voice answering her questions when I eventually hear Viv.

"Get the fuck away Antoine! You've done enough!"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to..."

"Yeah you're sorry, we all know that. Now go to hell!" Her tone changes dramatically when I eventually see her face. "Hey my love. I'm here girl. I'm here, okay?"

She grabs something in my bag and steps away. I can hear her talk calmly behind me for a while before joining me and the girl who has been helping me until now. After a while, my hands stop shaking, my heart settles, my tears stop and the three of us end up talking calmly.

"There you go. See? All good." Viv says with my favourite smile.

One of the girl's friends arrives with a glass of water before he helps me sitting on a chair.

"Thank you. You didn't have to." He smiles before joining another group of people.

"I'm Ellie by the way."

"Thanks Ellie." I don't know how long that episode was but it feels like it lasted way too long. My body shook for so long, my muscles feel really weak. "Maybe we should just go." I tell Viv.

"We're getting a ride home, so just sit tight until he gets there." Oh? When did this happen?

"You called a Uber?" She doesn't answer but something in her awkward side look makes me wary. "Who did you call?"

And then I hear him coming from behind me.

"Mina?" The relief I feel when I hear the warming depth of his voice is unmeasurable, as if a soul bandaid had been applied on my wounds. I turn around and see his troubled expression.

"What... What are you doing here?"

"Viv called me. I was so worried." He says getting closer.

I stand up precariously and turn to him as he takes me tightly in his arms. I breathe deeply in his embrace and feel so much emotion, I need to force myself not to start crying again.

"I'm so glad you're here."

"I had to come. I'm thankful she called." He whispers in my ear.

I want to stay there but am conscious people are around.

Releasing my hold around his waist, I reach for the chair and sit down with difficulty. He looks at Viv confused.

"She was shaking a lot for a long time. She'll be fine in a minute. Hi! I'm Viv."

"Hi Viv, I'm..."

"I know." She smiles sweetly.

"Thanks for calling me." He says sitting next to me, before Ellie stands up.

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