Chapter 17 - Coughing Blood

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Rosetta’s POV:

Erik hadn’t said anything about what happened two days ago, involving the grand vazir. I didn’t bother to ask him either. I knew something had happened but I didn’t think I needed to know why.

It was late evening and Erik was reading over the newspaper. Suddenly, he growled and threw the paper aside. I looked up from my book and said,

“Erik, is something amiss?” He growled again and said,

“I never thought they would do such a thing. Don’t they know anything about morning periods?” I looked at him and chuckled.

“Erik, I don’t read or speak Persian. What has happened?” He leaned back and sighed. Biting his lip, he said,

“I am sure you remember two days ago when Daroga came to talk to me.” I nodded and realized I was about to learn why everything had happened. I closed my book and gave him my full attention. “Well, a few months ago, the grand vazir got on my bad side. He said some things that affected me. Some things that brought bad memories back. My anger is dangerous and doesn’t forgive. I made sure he was exiled but his wife, his loving wife,” He hissed out the words like poison. “went with him. I meant to break him, to hurt him like he hurt me. In the end, I didn’t do anything. Two days ago, I went and killed him. Well, I should say, my men killed him. They denied me that pleasure. That is why I came back in a foul and broken mood.” He looked away from me. He never spoke about that night when I had held him while he cried. We never talked about it.

“The newspaper just declared that his widow is to marry his brother. They aren’t even giving her time to morn. She loved that man.” He laid his head in his hands and said, “It’s like she is an animal. A thing to be transferred.” I walked over to him and said,

“Erik, it is the way of this people. I wish there was something we can do but I fear there isn’t. But it is certainly barbaric.” He looked up at me and said,

“I was like her once. I was a thing. I was something to be bought and sold and used. I understand what she feels to some extent.” I laid my hand on his shoulder and he didn’t flinch.

“I am still a thing to be used.” He whispered. I wanted to say something but I knew it was true. He was still being used for his powers and his face. People who loved the rarity of him still used him and didn’t think about the price he paid each time. I looked at him and said,

“Erik, you aren’t a thing to me. You are a man and my friend.” And, I love you. I said in my head. I didn’t dare to say it out loud though. I didn’t wish to be hurt. He looked up at me and took my hand in his cold ones.

“Thank you, Rosetta. That means a lot to me. More than you will ever understand.” His voice broke and he picked up the paper again. I walked back to my seat and picked up my book again. I was about to start reading when I heard an evil chuckle.

I looked towards Erik and said,

“Um, is something wrong?” He looked at me and madness danced in his eyes. I knew something was going to happen and it wasn’t going to be good.

“I am supposed to perform for the dinner in honor of the marriage. And I have an idea for how to get my point across.” He grinned wickedly and started to randomly scribble on a sheet of paper. I didn’t bother to ask what he was planning. Sometimes with Erik, it was best not to know what he was planning.

Next Day:

I sat with the rest of the servants and slaves in the back. I was very curious to see what Erik had planned. I, as his slave, had helped him get set up but now I was simply a spectator. Erik was dressed in some fantastical dress with a golden mask. I saw Daroga off to one side and he smiled at me.

I smiled back and returned my gaze to Erik. He was standing before a coffin. I knew that inside the coffin was a skeleton though I had no idea what he intended to do with it. He had an obsession with death.

He stood near the coffin and his voice rang out in perfect French,

Come forth from your dark sleep,

Come to the angel of doom,

And show the living the fate which awaits . . .

I and the rest of the group watched, spellbound, a shriek came from the coffin and the skeleton rose from it. It stood beside Erik and he took it by the hand. He led it over to the shah and new grand vazir.

The skeleton raised his hand and pointed at the grand vazir. Erik then clapped his hands and the skeleton crumbled to the floor. Erik snatched up the skull and then walked away with it, leaving the rest of the body. The group, after a little bit, started up the hum of conversation.

I found Erik a few minutes later, sipping on some wine and leaning against a pillar. I walked up to him and said,

“Erik, that was amazing.” He smirked and said,

“It was nothing. I simply wanted to make him quite uncomfortable.” I rolled my eyes.

“Erik, you are something else.” I leaned on the opposite side of the pillar and a few more minutes passed before a servant brought a glass of wine. I took a quick note that something wasn’t right. The servant had come from the place where the shah, the khanum, and the grand vazir were talking. I watched as Erik drank the wine.

I turned down the glass that was offered to me because I didn’t drink. I watched Erik as he watched the crowd. I was crazy for loving this man. Most feared him and wanted nothing to do with him but I loved him.

Suddenly he coughed and put up a strange face. He looked at me and said,

“Let’s go. I think we have a problem.” He kept coughing as we hurried back to his rooms. By the time that he got to his door he was leaning on me. I practically carried him to the bathroom where he started to throw up. I patted his back and though I repeatedly tried to go for help, he refused to let me leave.

The vomit took on a red tint and then turned to blood. He looked at me and coughed out,

“Rosetta, this… I believe… is the… end.” He turned back to the tub and coughed up more blood.

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