Chapter 40 - Visions

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Rosetta's POV:

I settled back against the pillows and smiled. Erik had insisted I remain on bedrest as the time to give birth came closer. Even though I hated being tied down I had to admit it was nice not having to get up and move about with the baby in my stomach. Sometimes I would joke about having twins because my stomach was so large.

I flipped through a book but couldn't keep my mind on any of the pages. Erik was due home at any time and I didn't feel quite complete without him. I needed him with me. His presence was the only thing that kept me sane while being confined to the bed.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and I grinned. It was a little early for Erik to be coming home but those footsteps weren't that of Giovanni or Antoinette. Then, I heard lighter steps, those of Antoinette. I wasn't sure what to think as the door opened and revealed one of Erik's workers and Antoinette. I gave them both a smile and asked,

"What are you two doing here?" Antoinette stepped forward and swallowed. I saw tear stains on her cheek. My mind began to jump to the worst possibilities.

"Rosetta, we... um... have some bad news." She looked at her gloved hands and I glanced at the worker.

"Well, go on..." She opened her mouth and then closed it as tears poured down her cheek again. My heart was racing. The worker stepped forward beside her and said,

"Madam Destler, I regret to inform you that a stone wall fell with your husband beneath it. There is no way he could have lived." In that moment everything went into slow motion and lost all sound. The worker said something to Antoinette and walked out in slow motion. Antoinette walked to my side and took my hand but I felt nothing. It was like something had died within me.

I looked into her blue eyes and my own blurred. A cold feeling washed over me and black began seeping into my vision. Pain hit me hard in the gut but I ignored it as I completely passed out.

I was again on the ship taking me to Persia, all those months ago... My father was beside me. Then the picture changed to my first meeting with Erik. That day I ran into him in the hallway. Those glowing golden eyes which had pierced my soul in a way nothing ever had. Then, on to the night where I heard him sing and spoke with him. That beautiful voice I would never hear again.

Suddenly, I was watching him kill my father, but I still felt no hatred towards him for it. Still the enduring love which I realized had been budding during that time. Without warning, I was jolted towards the time when I had confessed my love for him. The fear I remembered feeling because I thought he couldn't love me back. I almost felt those perfect lips against me own... How sweet they had been. I would never feel them again.

I almost felt physical pain when my vision brought me to that stone cave when I found out he had left me behind. That raw agony and heartbreak which had driven me for three years to find him. The aching emptiness which was nothing to what I was feeling now that I knew he was dead. I would never see him again... No amount of searching would bring him back this time.

I wasn't allowed to wallow in my heartbreak as my memories flooded back fast. He was taking off his mask for me for the first time! Oh that wonderful moment when I got to see the whole face of the man I loved!

His proposal, the joy felt at that moment! Then the wedding and the activities afterwards rushed by in fast succession. Discovery of my pregnancy came next and the moments when I thought he was going to reject the baby. Then the glorious moment when he expressed his joy that I was pregnant!

The meeting with Giovanni, the making a home in Italy, and everything else followed like a blur. The dream ended with that morning when Erik had said goodbye.

Suddenly, my eyes began opening and I saw light. It hurt my eyes but I opened them nevertheless. I glanced around and saw something beside my bed... a crib. I rubbed my eyes and felt incredibly weak. I hadn't the slightest clue what time it was or what day.

The door opened and Antoinette walked through the door carrying a bundle. She exclaimed happily,

"Oh, you're awake!" She hurried over to my side and sat down on the bed. I heard a little gurgling coming from the bundle and she smiled. I shook my head to clear it.

"What time is it?" She chuckled.

"It's in the afternoon of the fifth day of you falling unconscious. We thought for several times we had lost you!" I tried to smile.

"I thought you still had several months left to go?" I nodded towards the bundle. I knew now it held a baby. She nodded.

"I am. But, you had the baby while you were unconscious. That's why we thought we were going to lose you. But, fortunately, both you and your son made it through beautifully!" My jaw dropped. That bundle was my baby! It took all my strength to moved my arms from beneath the covers and hold them out. I wanted to hold my son!

She carefully laid the boy in my arms and I looked down at him. He had Erik's golden eyes and my golden hair. He was a small baby but that may have been from being born premature. He was, all things considered, a gorgeous baby.

"What did you have him named?" I asked quietly. She shook her head.

"We haven't named it. We left that to you." I rocked him gently and he giggled a little.

"Reza Erik Destler." I whispered. "After your father." I cooed to him gently and out of the corner of my eye saw Antoinette leaving. Secretly, I was glad. I was glad to be alone with my baby. "You'll never get to meet your father... I'll just tell you all about him. You'll learn to love your daddy. He was a great man." I gave his forehead a light kiss and started to sob a little. He would never his daddy. That broke my heart.

Antoinette's POV:

I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. It took everything I had not to rush back in there and tell her the secret. But, she had had too much going on her in life. After passing out from hearing her husband was to dead to waking up and having a baby given to her and being told it was hers, my news would certainly be too much.

Giovanni walked towards me.

"Did you tell her?" I shook my head.

"Let's give her a few hours." He nodded.

"That is probably wise." I smiled at him and made my way down stairs where my secret was unconscious. I would tell her later.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Here we go again with the I-am-sorry-for-not-updating rigmarole. Well, I am sorry. I just lost all interest in this book. Well, good news, I managed to get this chapter out!!!!!!!!!!!! I trust you enjoyed.....................and noticed my little hints........................................... ;). I had lots planned but I think I'm going to end it soon... I'm not good with making REALLY long books. You'll just get a nice long epilogue. Well, long for me.

I trust you enjoyed. Pheels killer........ I know. It was killing mine to write it.


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