Chapter 22 - Mercy

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Rosetta's POV:

Erik had been right. Reza had two months with us. Those two months were the most wild I had ever lived through. We lived in a house filled with magic and color. I knew that Erik was doing it all for the sake of Reza. He was giving him all the pleasures of life before Erik was forced to take his.

Erik traveled between the buildling site and the house very often. It wasn't a long trip so he was able to do it easily. When he was gone I would entertain Reza with stories and little magic tricks Erik had taught me. I wasn't very good and more than not we laughed over how bad I was. But, Reza loved it all.

Then came the day when we were sitting at the dinner table and table and Reza started to choke. We both understood this was nearing the end. Daroga sent a servant for Erik and we carried Reza to his room.

I stayed with him while Daroga made sure Erik arrived soon. Reza didn't seemed to be quite with it. I held his hand and told him his favorite story as we waited. My stomach was in knots and I was scared. Very scared.

When I heard noise down stairs I went into the hallway and watched as Erik and Daroga moved towards me. If I hadn't known him I should have feared him. He just looked dangerous. He pulled something from his sleeve and poured in onto a glass of sherbet.

“*It will be quick.*” He said, handing it to Daroga. I bit my lip and listened to the pain in Daroga's voice as he said,

“*No! I can't do this. I will let nature take its course.*” I heard the panic in his voice. I stood rooted to the spot as Erik said,

“*Nature is a cruel and unfeeling goddess. Will you abandon your child into her merciless hands?*” I felt tears coming to my eyes but held them back. This wasn't a time to cry. This was a time to stay as strong as I could.

Daroga turned away and covered his face. I looked at the ground while Daroga said,

“*I am his father … how can you know, how can you understand, what it means to take life from your own child?*” I looked into Erik's eyes and saw a pang of pain. He didn't know. He knew nothing of children as he hadn't ever had any. I smiled slightly at him and watched him fight to keep calm.

Erik's voice changed to a hypnotizing lilt and he quietly said,

“*This is no longer your burden.*” He kept his face even as he walked into the room. I smiled at Daroga and followed. Daroga seemed to be frozen in place as the door closed.

Erik walked over to the lad had slowly fed him the sherbet. I sang softly to him a tune I loved so very dearly as a calming effect.

And the rain came down

And the stars fell from the skies

Oh, how dark the night

It always seems those castle and dreams

Fade with the morning light.

By the time I finished the chorus he was dead. I felt it in the hand I had been holding. The door opened and Daroga came through. I looked at him and held back my tears. Erik swept the boy up in his arms and turned around to Daroga.

Nothing was said but everything was understood. Daroga took the boy from Erik's arms and broke down then and there. I walked over to him and hugged his shoulders. I was trying to comfort the man as well as I could. I looked up at Erik and saw pain in his eyes with a hint of something else.

I gave him a faint smile and let Daroga cry over the body of his son.

When he had recovered we left the room and returned to Erik's room. Erik sat down on the bed and laid his head in his hands. I sat down beside him and rubbed his back in a circular motion. I didn't ask about the scars I felt though they interested me. He suddenly broke down sobbing. At the sound of his tears, I started to cry.

Laying my head against Erik's shoulder, I cried into his shoulder while keeping one arm around him. He slipped an arm around me and cried into my other shoulder. We stayed like that for a while before he whispered,

“Reza was like a brother to me. He gave me the childhood I never had.” I held him closer and quietly replied,

“He did the same for me. He was like the little brother I never had. I loved and love him so dearly.” Erik nodded and he pulled away a little.

“Why don't you go ahead and go to bed? It is late and you need the rest.” He pulled off his cloak and make moves to settle into his own bed. I stood up and said quietly,

“I can understand if you would prefer to be alone but I don't want to be alone with the pain. Is there room for two?” He nodded and I slid into the bed. He pulled off his top jacket and slipped in beside me. He took my hand in his and we fell asleep, silently comforting each other in the pain of loss.

Three Days Later:

Rosetta's POV:

We were in Erik's bedroom again. I, a devote Protestant, didn't feel at all comfortable joining in the Muslim morning. I was dressed in a black dress and I felt that was enough. Erik was sitting at his desk writing something.

I looked at him and frowned. He always wore black so nothing had changed about that except he was now wearing a black mask instead of his white one. It was then a strange question popped into my head.

“Erik, are you Protestant or Catholic?” He laid down his pen and looked at me. He took a deep breath and said,

“I was born Catholic but when I was a child I denied there was a god. Catholicism never helped anyone. What are you?” I was surprised he even bothered to ask. I smiled and said,

“Mother taught me to be Protestant and I stand by it. Father didn't care about religion.” Erik nodded and turned back to his writing. He held up a letter and said,

“Rosetta, I am going back to the shah. I want you to stay here. You will be better off.” I stared at his back. He couldn't mean it, could he?

“Erik, what are you saying?” He turned around again and clarified,

“Rosetta, they are after me. No, I am not putting you in danger.” I stood up and placed my hands on my hips. He was sparking the protective side in me really quickly.

“Erik, we have known each other for almost three months. I don't run. Ever. No, I am coming back with you. I don't let my friends walk through the fire alone.” Or those who I love, I added in my head. But there was no way I was going to say that. He didn't love me. But the thought of being separated from him and fearing that every messenger brought deadly tidings would be the end of me.

I walked toward him and laid my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled faintly.

“I know better than to fight you when you use that tone. But, Rosetta, it will be dangerous.” I smiled and took his hand in mine.

“Erik, I don't fear the danger. I would spend my hours worrying about you if I stayed here.” I swore I saw shock in his eyes. Shock and tears. He squeezed my hand and started to write again. I walked over to the window and debated on what I was to do. My mother had taught me never to marry an unbeliever. But I loved this man and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Maybe, he would one day come around. His life hadn't exactly encouraged the belief in a God. Well, that would have to change.

I would have to show him that there was a God and he loved Erik more than I ever could. And that was saying something because I loved him more than life.

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