Chapter 37 - Father

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Giovanni’s POV:

The maid had said a masked man and a young woman had wanted to see me. Normally I might have turned them away as I felt too weak to speak with anyone. But, I had always held out my hope that Erik was still alive and my hopes were lifted when the maid gave her description.

It had been nearly twenty years since the boy had run away after the death of my daughter. I would have taken him back. I didn’t hate him for Lucinda’s death. I never would. It was her own stupidity which had caused me to lose my only son.

Erik was a son to me and I loved him as such. I wanted to see him before I died and tell him the truth. What puzzled me was that the maid had said there was a girl with him. A pretty blond with green eyes who seemed to not understand much Italian. I, for one moment, prayed it was Erik’s wife. But, I seriously wondered if there was a woman good enough to love him.

I closed my eyes and struggled at my breath. I could feel the weakness in my body. All this thinking and hoping was sapping my strength. Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and called out,

“Come in.” The door opened and Erik stepped into the room. He was still tall and very gaunt. His clothes were perfect but just a little dusty from the trip. He stepped away from the door and a girl walked into the room.

She was beautiful! She looked nervous and I watched her reach for Erik’s hand. I looked at her hand and saw a large diamond ring. A wedding ring. So it was his wife. I looked back at Erik and saw fear in his eyes.

Erik’s POV:

I took Rose’s hand and looked at the form in the bed. He was ashen. He was dying. I could read it in his eyes and shallow breathing.

We held up this strange staring contest before Giovanni said,

“Erik!” I released Rose’s hand and moved over to sit beside him on a chair beside the bed. I took his hand gently in mine and felt for a pulse. It was faint. Giovanni smiled and said, “I am dying, Erik. I doubt your fancy medicines can save me this time.” He chuckled.

I shook my head and released his hand. “You won’t die. Not now. I shall try to save you.” I couldn’t let a man who was like a father to me die. This man had raised me and showed me kindness, something I never had experienced.

He shook his head, “No, Erik, I am an old man and dying. Let me die in peace.” I smiled faintly and said,

“You will die in peace. But, I can’t let you die without trying to help you.” Giovanni sighed and seemed to agree or at least he didn’t disagree. He looked over at Rose and said,

“Who is this beautiful young lady?” I saw a blush cover Rose’s cheeks and smiled. She might be made of steel but she still blushed when someone complemented her beauty. I stood up and held out my hands to her. She walked forward and took my hands before smiled at Giovanni.

“This is my wife, Rosetta Destler.” I laid a hand on her belly and felt the baby give a kick. “And my child Emerald or Reza. We don’t know if it is a boy or girl.” I smiled and gave Rose a kiss on the forehead. True, I was showing off but I didn’t care.

Giovanni stared at me and then at Rose. His jaw dropped and he held his hand to her. She moved over to beside him and took his hand. He looked on the hand and ran his finger over the wedding ring. My proof that she was mine.

Rose took his hand and laid it gently on her belly. I could see by the look on his face that the baby had kicked. Tears came to his eyes and he whispered,

“I am going to be a grandfather.” It took a moment for that to register. What did he mean? Grandfather. Rose wasn’t his daughter. Then he looked at me, “My son is going to be a father.” My jaw dropped. His son. I was his son. Why would anyone want to ever call me that? Besides, I had killed his daughter.

Giovanni saw the shock on my face and said, “I always thought of you as my son. I never had one and you were as close as I would ever get. I loved you like a father should love a son.” He smiled and tears ran down his cheeks. He held out his arms to me.

I kneeled down beside the bed and hugged him. “Welcome home, my boy.” He said gently. I felt tears in my eyes. I had a father. And, more than once I had hurt my father.

“I am sorry.” I whispered. “I am so sorry for all the pain I have caused you.” He patted my back and said,

“You have nothing to be sorry for. My prodigal son has returned home.” I didn’t argue. There was really nothing I could say. I pulled away a moment later and said,

“Giovanni-“ He shook his head. I then corrected myself, “Father, may I ask a favor of you?” He nodded and winked at Rose. She smiled and took my hand.

“Of course you may, Erik. What is it?” I closed my eyes and said,

“Rose and I have no place to live. Until I can find a home might I live with you? It won’t be long. Just until I can find a home for us.” Giovanni shook his head.

“No, you will stay with me. I have more than enough room. How long do you expect to stay?” I looked at Rose and answered truthfully,

“I haven’t the slightest idea. We are fleeing France because of trouble.” Giovanni thought for a moment then offered,

“I still have my business though it is now run by a friend of mine. I am sure he would hire you. You and Rosetta can live here with me. I want my son and daughter and grandchild close to me.” I smiled and wrapped my arm around Rose.

“Thank you. I don’t know how to thank you.” Giovanni shrugged and then coughed. He looked very tired. I didn’t want to push his strength. “Now, I believe I shall go. You look like you need your rest. I shall take Rose to our room. She needs her rest as well.” She rolled her eyes and we were shown to our room.

She settled down on the bed and closed her eyes with a sigh. I sat down beside her and a moment later she fell asleep. I tucked her in and settled down beside her, pulling her against me. A moment later I was also asleep.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I simply wanted to say that I meant to post Tuesday or yesterday but I didn't have time. I now will mention a new friend I have met on here. @StephanieAlienforLif has written an AMAZING book called "A Rose and a Phantom". GO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I wish to mention someone else as well.  @a_walking_pilot has written an INCREDIBLE book called "Beneath a Moonless Sky". I COMMAND YOU TO READ IT AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Bye for now!!!!!!!


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