Chapter 13 - I Wish You Didnt Have To Leave :(

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*Rob's P.O.V* 

I woke up and it was the day we were leaving. During the month we had been here it had been crazy, tearful, joyful and sad. Me and Dani had gotten together first and we broke up first but we're friends and thats ok with me. Alex and Amy had a tiny glitch but they're as happy as can be. Austin and Lauren got back together just last night. We had the day to get packed and relax before we had to leave to the airport. Me Austin and Alex were packing our stuff in the morning so we could chill before we had to go to the airport. I finished packing first because Alex and Austin were going slow. It was about 12 pm when Alex and Austin had finished packing. "well now we have to leave to the airport" i said making the other two winge."lets get going then" said alex.


*at the airport*

*Dani's P.O.V*

i was thinking about me and rob when i was sleeping last night and i know i broke up with him for what he did but all relationships have their ups and downs and i still liked rob sooo much.  When we get to the airport im gunna pull him aside and hoefully he still wants to be more than friends :) "lets go" said amy. it wasnt much of a long ride there but it was far so i had earphones in listening to "the cimfam ep" :) million bucks was playing and all i could think of was rob saying yes. We got to the airport and went inside to look for the boys. We looked all around till we found them waiting to board their plane. "heey guys" i said happily to see them. alex and amy snuck  off and so did austin and lauren which was perfect as it left me with rob."soo uum i was thinking.." i started. i got cut off by rob hugging me!? "i was thinking to and i still love you dani nicole cimorelli" spoke rob. my heart melted. "i love you too" i replied. "soo...?" "YES. ill be your girlfriend again" i said smiling/crying with joy.I heard some voice over the speaker phone and it was time for the boys to board their plane. "bye" we all said to each other. and with that they were off home. As we were leaving our phones went off. each of us got mentioned in a tweet by the boys. the boys had each tweeted "im gonna miss you dani/lauren/amy xoxox <3 " "aaaaaaw" we all said. and with that we were back to normal with school work and what not. :)

*soo im sorry i havnt been updating but i updated and hope you like it and chapter 14 shall be up in another couple weeks or so? :P xoxoxo*

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