Chapter 6 - First Fun Day As A Whole

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recap: the boys flew to california for a month/holiday and they meet the girls at the beach. rob and dani went on a date and now go out. amy and lauren feel bummed that they havnt been asked out yet.

*Rob's P.O.V* 

As i was sleeping all i could think about was my beautiful girlfriend. I couldnt wait to see how much fun we would have over the next few days. I went to sleep not long after Austin and i have no clue what time Alex went to sleep. I woke up and just lay in bed not wanting to get out. I checked the time and saw it was 10:00am. I got out of bed and had a shower, had breakfast and it was 10:30. I decided to get the boys up or else they'd be asleep all day. 

-Waking up Austin-

Me: Austin! Austin! Get Up!

Austin sleeptalking: Lauren we are gonna be together forever.

Me: Man that boy is a dreamer. 

I walked out of Austin's room and walked towards Alex's room to try wake him up. 

-Waking up Alex-

Me: Alex get up already.

Alex sleeptalking also: Amy please be mine. 

Me: DUDE GET THE HECK UP AND OUT OF BED! i screamed which made Alex get up and tumble out of his bed. i laughed so hard i fell to the ground. 

*Amy's P.O.V* 

I was waking up when I see Dani nd Lauren jumping on my bed. "Guys, what the hey?" "Rob texted me saying they were gonna hit the beach again" said Dani. "Yeah and they want us to come with them" said Lauren. "OK so when did they wanna meet us there?" i asked getting excited that'd i'd see Alex soon :) "They said bout lunch time" the both of them said. "OK so we could have breakfast get showered up and get ready to go" "Yeah and today we should walk to the beach" Dani requested. "Why" me and Lauren both said. "I feel like walking" laughed Dani. 

*Dani's P.O.V* 

I was last to get ready so i wore the dress i wore in "Just a Kiss". Amy was wearing what she wore in "What Makes You Beautiful" and Lauren was wearing what she was wearing in "Stronger". It was close to lunch time and we wanted to have something to eat before we hit the beach. Katherine being so sweet had made brownies for everyone :). (i was feeling like brownies when i wrote this part :P) We all had a few then me, Amy and Lauren left to the beach! :) We were taking our time because we didnt want o look to excited to be seeing the boys. Soo we were walking and talking then all of a sudden i feel someone's hands cover my eyes. I screamed and so did Amy and Lauren. The 3 familliar voices all said "Guess Who" and me, Amy and Lauren knew exactly who they were. I turned around and gave Rob a hug :) Amy and Lauren gave Austin and Alex a friendly hug because they werent exactly dating - YET! ;). Me and Rob were holding hands walking along with Austin, Lauren, Alex and Amy. We got to the beach and all went to seperate changing rooms. I believe I was first out because i was waiting on the bench just outside the longest which was dum. I waited for everyone else to get out. Amy and Lauren were out at the same time and the boys were taking forever. We thought it'd be funny it we left and headed to find a spot on the beach so we left. We found a perfect spot and started to tan. We all had our eye's shut with shades on when I feel drips on water. "What the heck!?" said Amy getting up from her position as well as me and Lauren. "What are you guys doing? We're trying to bathe" said Lauren. "Your not anymore" said Austin.

*Rob's P.O.V* 

We got changed the quickest and waited a few minutes for the girls. The girls were taking forever so we went for a quick dip. I had just gotten back up from diving when out the corner of me eye the girls were finally out of the changing rooms. "Guys , we should let them settle then go up to them dripping wet and bridal style carry them to the pool" I suggested to Alex and Austin. They looked at me funny but agreed. We waited for them to lay down so we could walk up to them dripping wet. We walked up to them and they looked as if they were asleep with their eyes closed and shades on. We were shaking about when the finally sat up and realised it was us. "1, 2, 3, GO" cued Austin. I picked Dani up while Austin picked Lauren up and Alex picked Amy up. We ran down to the pool and dropped them in. Lauren and Amy were nutting their heads of at Austin and Alex where as Dani was laughing her head of. "Guys chill!" said Dani making Lauren and Amy shut up. "That wasnt very nice!" said Lauren obviously directing it at Austin. "Yeah" said Amy aiming it at Alex. "Come on guys, it was just a joke" I said trying to make them feel better. "well it was funny" said Amy and Lauren smiling. We mucked about at the beach and it was getting dark so we left. 

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