Chapter 2 - Flying To CA/Hanging At The Beach

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*Alex's P.O.V*

I got up before the others so i decided to shower. I had a shower and got changed and had breakfast. It was about 8 so i woke up the rest of the house since our flight leaves at 10. Robert was always the easiest to wake up so i left him to last. Austin on the other hand was the hardest. I was jumping all over him making really loud noisy when Michelle -Austin's mum- came in and begged me to stop. "Alex PLEASE STOP. Im not a morning person remeber?" said Michelle. "But i have to get this boy up or else we'll miss our flight" I replied trying to be nice. "I have an idea - get a bucket of water and just spill the water all on his face. It gets him up every time." Michelle said laughing her way back to her room. I assumed since Michelle suggested it that it would work so I dashed to the kitchen, grabbed a decent sized bowl that could hold a lot of water, went back to Austin's room and spilt it all over his face.

*Austin's P.O.V* 

I was dreaming about what it would be like to be hanging with Lauren when all of a sudden my bed felt wet. I got up and Alex was standing there with a bowl laughing. "Bro, why'd you do that!? I was having an awecim (lol) dream." "Well if i didnt then we would miss our flight" said Alex dashing out to return the bowl to the kitchen. I dragged myself out of my bed, had a shower, changed into what i was wearing for the "Someone like you" cover i did and made my bed changing the sheets, pillow cases, and duvets. 

*Dani's P.O.V* 

I was so excited that today Austin, Alex and <3Robert<3 were coming into town. Last night before i went to bed i was on twitter to check if Amy was truthing or lying. Turns out Amy was right they are coming to town. I was excited and because i was first up i wanted to wear the cutest clothes to make one heck of an impression.I just couldnt choose what to wear so i just put on what i was wearing in cimorelli's cover of "As Long As You Love Me". Normally i aint one for makeup but i decided today would be very special so i did a light application of blush and eyeshadow. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought "WOW". I then went and had breakfast because Mike, Christina, Amy, Lauren, Alex and the younger boys were having breakfast. My Mum, Dad, Katherine and Lisa were'nt here because Lisa and Katherine had dentist appoinments and my Mum and Dad were out doing their daily jog. I took a seat next to Lauren and dished myself some pancakes.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

I woke up this morning all excited that austin would be in town with alex and rob. I heard that breakfast was ready so i just went and joined the table in my pyjamas because no one else was changed either. We're all eating when Dani comes along, sits next to me and eats breakfast like the rest of us were. I was looking at Dani for a while then she noticed and said "Something wrong?" I replied "Are you going somewhere? Coz you're dressed like super early." "I just wanted to get out early for once and enjoy the sun" said Dani. I could tell Dani was up to something and I was going to find out. We had all finished and we all cleant up. Dani snuck of to the room so i followed her. "So what's really up?" i said eager to know. Dani sigh'ed then explained. "I was really up early and dressed because of how austin, alex and rob are flying here today :D" Dani said with a look in her face "I KNEW IT!" I said knowing that I was right. "Well arent you gonna doll up for austin" Dani said winking at me. "No. I just gonna dress casual because i only want a guy who likes me for who i REALLY am" i said making it a smart coment to Dani. I left Dani to get ready. I decided to wear what i was wearing in "Good Time". I was looking for pink and white striped t-shirt in my dani and lisa's room and i couldnt find it. I went looking in christina, amy and katherine's room and find it on amy's bed. I got changed and asked Dani if she wanted to skateboard to the beach. She said sure and so we got our bikin's and a towel each and told everyone we were going to the beach. Amy begged it she could come so we waited for her to get ready and left. 

*Austin's P.O.V* 

We had landed over a little of an hour ago and boy was it hot! Me alex and rob we in a hotel room which was right by the beach. We had done unpacking things and putting them away and just sitting on the couch. "We should go hit the beach" Alex said in a dying voice. "Yeah i could do with that" me and rob said together. We all got up and got some stuff for the beach. We were heading down when out the corner of my eye i saw three fine looking girls. I hit alex and he said what!? "Look at those cute as girls over there!" pointing towards them. I couldnt help but drool over the one in the middle. Alex and Rob must've realised and snapped me out of it. "Im gonna go over and talk to them" I said slowly leaving them. They followed me which i took as they wanted to come check them out.

*Amy's P.O.V*

So we were setting up on the beach to tan. We were all facing the sun for about 10 minutes when all of a sudden my sun is blocked by some stranger. I looked at Lauren and Dani who were also wondering who these people were. It took a second for all of us to realise that it was austin, alex and robert. "Hey guys what brings you to block our sun?" I said trying get a convo started. "Alex Rob and I are actually wanting to hang out with you three" said Austin glee-fully.  I looked at Dani who was legit STARING at Rob. Rob was also staring at Dani so i said "sure". Rob sat with Dani, Austin sat with Lauren and Alex sat with me. "So hows it going" Alex said. I found it so cute that i was blushing. so Alex laughed and i said "What?" "Your cute when your blushing" I looked down at the sand. Alex was so adorable that i looked at him and he was shirtless. :O He caught me staring which was awks so i just played it cool. That majorly failed because i just keep looking at his stomach. 

*Rob's P.O.V*

Me and Dani were pretty much just looking at each other. It was really easy to tell that we were so into each other. "Sooooooo" i said trying to kill the awkward silence. "Wanna go out for dinner tonight" Dani blurted out. I was shocked but also happy. "Yeah sure" I said. "You can pick where we go just make sure you pick me up at 7 and drop me of before 9" said Dani being very strict and cautious. "OK then, whats your number". We exchanged numbers and Dani went to grab the other girls. I was soooooooooo excited that i just lay there with the biggest smile ever.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

"So is that a date" Austin asked. I was about to reply when Dani came up to me and said we had to go because there was something she wanted to tell us in private. I told her to wait so she went and got Amy who gave in easily and got up and left poor Alex on his own. I told Austin where we lived and that they could only come around on their own and not together nor the same time. "So come whenver just not with the others coz it would be quite uuuum" i was lost for words then austin said "annoying?" . I was blushing by the way he said it and said a quick "yeah" because Dani was dragging me already. We shouted by to the boys and left. 

*Alex's P.O.V* 

"What was that all about!?" I said kinda angry that they left and i was in the middle of asking amy out. "I dont know ask Mr Smile's alot over there" said Austin pointing to Rob. "ROB! What did you do!?" I said storming towards him. "WHAT?!" replied Rob. "Why'd they leave?!" "Dude! I only askd Dani out on a date. I didnt think she would drag the other 2 away." "Awwwwwwwww, lil Rob making a move already" i said making Rob blush. 


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