Chapter 7 - Man Up And Do It!

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*Alex's P.O.V*

It had been a couple of days since we flew to California and hung out with the younger Cim sisters. I was thinking that it was time for me to man up and ask Amy out. "Rob, i need your help bro." "Yeah, sure, what for?" Rob spoke from across the room. "I wanna ask Amy out" "Seriously? Finally!" said Rob cheerfully. "How do you think i should do it?" I wasnt really one to over-do something especially when asking a girl out but because i was asking Amy out i wanted it to be special."Well, she LOVES taco's doesnt she?" said Rob disturbing my thoughts. "Yeah and there's that taco place in town so we could have dinner there" "No -_- you have ice cream on the beach. Of course your taking her to the taco place stupid:P" said Rob hurting my feelings. "Thats not nice." "Sorry Bro" We hugged it out when Austin walked in and started laughing. "Did i miss something?" said Austin seconds after laughing. "Alex here is gonna ask amy out" said Rob. "Dang how are you asking her out" Austin asked because I knew he had a feeling of being last to ask a girl out. "Gonna take her to dinner at that taco place because she LOVES tacos" i said excitedly. "Dang i need to make a move too" said Austin making us all laugh. "Dude, you should write Lauren a song" Rob suggested. "Yeah she'd love that" I said backing Rob up with his really cool idea. "Ok so i should do the song today and sing it to her in a couple days when i have it all ready" Austin smiled nd began to write his song. "What should I call it?" asked Austin. We were lost for a title of the song so I said "Say something" randomly. "Thats sound awecim" said Austin with his head down still brainstorming lyrics/ideas. I decided to have a text convo with Amy to see if she would want to go out for dinner. 

-Text Convo with Amy-

Me: Hey princess xD

Amy: heey :D x  

Me: soooo i was thinking we should go out for dinner tonight to get to know each other better x

Amy: that sounds really cool :) i'd love to so when you gunna pick me up ? :) 

Me: say 7:30? :D

Amy: Sure, i'll be ready by then. x 

"Ok so me and Amy are def's going out tonight". i said and realised neither of the boys were in ear shot. I wanted to waste time by watching tv,movies and playing the game.

*Amy's P.O.V* 

"guess what!?" i said after i finished texting Alex. "What" Lauren and Dani replied not really paying any attention. "Me and Alex are going on a date tonight" "aaaaaaaaaaw" said Lauren. I could tell she was upset that she was last to be asked out. I felt bad so i went back to texting Alex making secret plans. 

-Text Convo with Alex-

Me: heey, can you get Austin to do something to impress Lauren. She's feeling kinda sad thats she's last to be asked out.

Alex: Truth is Austin's writing her a song as of today and he's gunna sing it to her either tomorrow or day after. Whenever he gets it done really x 

Me: aaaaaaaaw so cuute:D she's gunna be so excited :) 

Alex: i bet no as excited as you'll be when i take you out. ;)

Me: maybe :P sooooooo what you doing? :)

Alex: just watching a movie. you ? :) 

Me: just texting the most amazing guy i know ever ;)

Alex: :( he must be lucky 

Me: ? its you silly :P

Alex: i know, im just messing with yah x 

Me: lol cant wait for tonight :L

"Amy can you help me" said Dani as loud as she could. "Whats wrong" i asked. "How do you work this" she said pointing to the oven. I pushed a button to turn it on and showed her what to do. "Oh" was all that Dani replied. 

*Dani's P.O.V* 

Me and Rob were first to get together which is quite cute seen as were the youngest. Amy and ALex were def's gunna be official tonight. I felt sad for Lauren she was the only one that didnt have much going on. I had a feeling something was gunna happen soon :) . I was bored so i just sat and watched tv. There was a knock and the door and it was around 5pm. I wondered who it was it was kinda dark so i couldnt see i stepped out a bitand then someone came and grabbed me from behind. I was scared to death so I didnt scream or anything. The person put me down under a lamp post. I realised it was Rob and said "Omg! Your so mean to me" "Well happy 1 day" said Rob. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaw" said Amy and Lauren standing at the front door. I looked down to see what Rob was handing me and it was a half hearted necklace the said 'forever' i looked at Rob and he showed his half that said 'together'. I couldnt help but kiss Rob on the cheek. I was romantic being under a lamp post and haveing a half heart each. We went inside my house and hung out in my room along with Amy and Lauren. It was going on to 7 by now and Amy freaked. "What is it?" me and Lauren asked. "I totally forgot i have a date with Alex in half an hour" Amy said panicking. "Have a quick shower" Lauren suggestd. Amy went and had a shower like told. "I bet you , you know about this." I said as soon as Amy was out. "Pfft, what, i dont know anything" said Rob. "Oh really?" said Lauren backing me up. "Ok Alex is taking Amy to that taco place in town." said Rob scared of what would happen if he hadnt told. "NO! He knows about that?" "Yeah he's been doing some "study"" Rob quoted the word study and Lauren and I knew eaxctly what the meant. 


so just wrote 7 chapters in one day. WOW. i will have more up as soon as i can get them done. :) 


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