Chapter 3 - Why So Secretive?

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*Dani's P.O.V*

"Dani why'd you pull us away, we were about to be asked out as in a date ask out" said Amy. "Yeah" said Lauren backing Amy up. "Well sorry I just had to let you know that Rob and I are going out for dinner and I felt we had to leave". "Awwwww Dani!" said Lauren. "Im sorry i pulled you's away though" i said feeling really mean. "It's OK. We have to go get you all dolled up for your date! :D" Amy said enthusiasticaly. We got home and everyone was watching tv. We went to the room and it was only 4 oclock so we mucked around on twitter. I checked our twitter account and their was the usual tweets to us from the cimfam. (im using my twitter account as one that tweeted this) -@TianaSMet: @Cimorelliband please get @LaurenCimoreli to follow me! huge #cimfam'er <3". I saw that she really wanted lauren to follow her so i said "Lauren you should follow @TianaSMet" "OK :D" said Lauren (lauren really does follow me on twitter she is the first to follow me :D im not lying btw check it you want :)) I then really wanted to tweet that we hung out with the boys at the beach for a bit but i looked at the time and it was almost 7 so I went looking around for what to wear. "Guys what should i wear?!" i asked Amy and Lauren desperately. "uuuuum" they said begin to throw clothes to me to try. After multiple oufit changes we decided I should wear what i wore in the payphone cover. I was almost done when the door bell rang. Lauren and Amy have a mini fight over who would answer it so I told them donnt bother I'll answer it. I answered it and MY Rob had me lost for words. 

*Alex's P.O.V*  

Rob had left for his date with Dani a few minutes ago. Me and Austin were really jealous he was going out. Austin and I were eating our pain away with ice cream when I get a text from Rob. 

-Text Convo-

Rob: Heeeey guess what I just got.

Me: What? :D

Rob: I just got Amy and Lauren's numbers ;)

Me: Dude send them to us. 

Rob: OK. someone's stoked ;) 

Me: just send them PLEASE! 

Rob: One sec . k?

"Dude guess what i just got from Rob!" "What" said Austin not really feeling it. "I got Amy and Lauren's numbers" "WHAT!? HOW?" "Dude Rob's on a date with Dani of course they'd exchange numbers" "Cool, give me Lauren's number so i can suprise her :)" "Ok its 553-602-9476" (idk i just did random numbers?) 

*Lauren's P.O.V*

Dani left a little over 5 minutes ago and left me and Amy in the room looking like idiots. "Geez im so bored and sooo jealous of Dani going on a date before us." i said. Amy just nodded which meant she agreed. We sat in awkward silence then our phones went of. I checked it and it was an unkown number. I went and checked Amy's and it was also an unknown number. We both got a text saying -Hey beautiful- but different numbers. We didnt know what was going on so we both texted -Who is this?- 

-Lauren's Text Convo-

Lauren: Who is this?

"Unknown": This is the number of your hopefully future boyfriend xD

Lauren: hahah. very funny. but seriously who is this? 

"Unknown": ok, ok :D its austin <3 

Lauren: heey :)

Austin: so whats up? x

Lauren: oh nm Dani's on her date with Rob. actually speaking of those two how did you get my number? and do you know who's texting Amy she looks as if she's going to have a meltdown soon.

Austin: once a bro always a bro. ;) Rob texted us your numbers and kept it secret. aaaw Amy's gonna have a meltdown soon. dont worry its Alex. :P dont tell ;)

Lauren: oooh. hahha i wont :D but he better say its him soon lol. :) 

Austin: ok <3

-Amy's Text Convo- 

Amy: Who is this?

"Unknown": For me to know and for you to find out ;)

Amy: dont be so secretive! who are you!?

"Unknown": Im someone who you will wanna spend the rest of you life with. :) 

Amy: Well if i dont know who you are then your wrong!

"Unknown": aaaaaaaaw dont get so mad. :( 

Amy: well then tell me who you are!

"Unknown": naaa. you'll find out sooner or later. ;) 

"LAUREN! This person is really bugging me! I said about to pack a meltdown. "Well ask who he/she is" "i've asked he/she sooo many times but they wont say!" "OK. wait one sec"

-Lauren Text Convo-

Lauren: heey austin. tell alex to reveal already :D 

Austin: has amy had her meltdown yet? 

Lauren: no. but she's seconds from it. :/ 

Austin: ok, ok. just for you x

Lauren: naaaaaaw :D 

"OK, Amy try asking who he/she again". "OK, but if they continue with their game im done" said Amy

 -Amy Text Convo- 

Amy: Please, tell me who you are .

"Unknown": OK, im sorry for keeping myself secretive but its Alex. :) 

Amy: why didnt you just say you were alex at the start? 

Alex: because austin told me that lauren said you were about to have a break down.

Amy: oh really. well tell austin that his "girlfriend" is gonna be in good shape tomorrow ;)

Alex: you're gunna beat your own sister up? :O 

Amy: it was meant to be sarcasm :/

Alex: oh :P you can learn from me in that subject :D im a pro at sarcasm. 

Amy: sure you are :P 

Alex: whats tht meant to mean? :(

Amy: gotcha! :D 

Alex: fudge cakes. i might have to learn from you instead :P 

*Austin's P.O.V* 

I was texting Lauren when Alex said something that i didnt quite catch. "What?" "Just ask her out already" said Alex re-phrasing what he said. "I dont want to look like a guy which wants to string girls like they're puppets". "Then how do you wanna do it?" said Alex with a questioning look. "I want it to be a natural relationship not a forced one" Alex nodded which meant he understood. 

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