Chapter 8 - Alex And Amy's Date.

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*Rob's P.O.V* 

So I was hanging with Lauren and Dani for the night because 1 - It was me and Dani's 1 week anniversary and 2 - Alex and Amy were going out on a date which left Austin at the hotel to work on his song without any distractions. Me, Dani and Lauren were all talking about what would happen when Amy comes in dressed in what she was wearing in "You and I". "Alex is gunna be so amazed" I said making Amy feel better. "uuum aint that normally information a GIRL gives to a girl?" said Lauren making us all laugh. "Well she's looks lovely" i replied. "Thanks" said Amy. "Alex is gunna be here any minute" said Lauren making Amy panick. I thought of texting Austin to see how he was going. 

-Text Convo With Austin-

Me: heey bro, hows your song going?

Austin: Im finished. :D

Me: What!? Already ? WOW! :) 

Austin: yeah . but now im lonesome :P 

Me: why dont you have a text convo with Lauren and make plans ? ;) 

Austin: I dont wanna do that right now. I just wanna sleep and ..... yeah just wanna rest :P 

Me: ok. soo see yah tomorrow ? :) 

Austin: yeah . goodnight. 

I didnt realise till i stopped texting Austin that Dani was alseep with her head resting on my left leg. I was facing towards Lauren on her bed and Dani was sprung out on her bed. I was at the end so i couldnt realy get up. I just looked at her sleeping there and thought 'wow :)'. I was just dozing off when the door opened and Amy looked really happy. "How'd it go?" I asked seen as I was still up and wanted to know. "We go out now :D" said Amy with the biggest smile ever. "Yaaay!" I said acting like a girl. "Well all we need now is Austin and Lauren to get together. "Yeah that'd make it awesome" replied Amy. 

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