Chapter 12

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"Ahsoka, where are you? Lyra, what is your location?" My Masters voice called through our comm links as we each stood on our advancing tanks, deflecting blaster bolts with our sabers.

"About six klicks east, Master. We've engaged the enemy, and we've got them on the run. " I reported back proudly.

"They're here to extract us. We're leaving." He ordered us both with urgency in his voice.

"What? Wha... We can't retreat now, Master. I've broken through!" Ahsoka argued at the orders to retreat. "The droids are retreating." She continued to voice her opinion while I understood that we had to follow these orders.

"We're outnumbered. You must evacuate. That is an order!" My master grew upset with her.

"Master Skywalker taught me never to let up when the tinnies are on the run." She explained as I sighed at her temper that was sure to get us in trouble.

"They are running back here to regroup with the main force." Obi Wan told her with a stern tone to his voice. "You are putting your troops' lives in danger, young one. You will get on the gunship when we arrive." He instructed strictly before cutting off the transmission.

"Come on Ahsoka, my Master is right, we need to go!" I shouted over at her. We continued to hold the fight as the gunships arrived up above. Suddenly the ships land in front of us and I jump off of my place on the tank.

"What are you doing!?" Ahsoka grows mad as they are now blocking the attack.

"Get in the ship, now." Anakin jumped out to shout the orders to his padawan.

"Come on men, let's move!" I waved over my men as they all crowded into the ships, letting Anakin handle Ahsoka.

"Can't you see they're retreating?!" Ahsoka tried to reason with her Master.

"They're about to overrun you, Ahsoka. You just can't see it. Now, follow orders and get in the ship." She sighed and followed me as we joined our masters in the gunship.


I stood outside of the council room waiting to hear from Ahsokas meeting. When I looked up I watched as her and Skywalker exited the room and walked the other way towards the library.

"Where is Ahsoka going?" I questioned as Kenobi left the council room a moment later.

"She was put on guard duty in the library for her actions in battle today" he explained, knowing that Ahsoka was like my little sister and best friend. I nodded to him before he continued. "Get some rest young one, the war is not won yet" he reminded kindly.

I walked off towards my quarters where I sat down and closed my eyes, planning on meditating for a while. Suddenly I felt what I had assumed to be a disturbance in the force. My eyes shot open and I looked around with worry at a possible attack.

"Master, I felt what seemed to be a disturbance in the force. What is going on?" I reported and asked, rushing into the hall to find Master Kenobi walking alongside Master Skywalker.

"Yoda felt it too" Obi Wan made note.

"He sensed an incoming attack of some sort, we are on high alert in the meantime." Anakin further explained to me.

"What can I do?"

"You can carry on as normal, this is a higher up problem that does not currently concern you. But you should stay on high alert and report anything suspicious" my Master instructed in a hushed tone.

"Yes, Master" I nodded, walking off again. I made my way towards the library to check on Ahsoka and see how she was holding up, knowing that the library is usually slow and she would be bored out of her mind.

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