Chapter 50

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"She shouldn't be wandering the halls" Nala Se scolded at the sight of Rex and I walking through the cloning facility during the mid afternoon.

"Doctor, she is feeling much better and I refused to argue with her and keep her locked up in that room any longer." Rex stated calmly. "If I didn't take her out she would have pushed me back with the force and marched out herself"

"You're a clone, you are supposed to be able to handle a sick child" the doctor spat out.

"Excuse me?" I started, glaring up at the woman.

"Don't mind her" Rex told me, holding me back from getting in a fight while I was still sick. I had grown agitated the past few days and was ready to get out of here and away from Kamino, happy to never return.

"You must take her back to her room!" Nala Se ordered.

"With all due respect sir, she outranks me" Rex shrugged, guiding me off in the opposite direction, to avoid either of us fighting each other. "In there is the mess hall" he pointed through a window. I looked down with curiosity to see the many clones, younger and older sitting around eating their lunches.

"Wow" I smiled at how they didn't seem to have a care in the world, not yet having been exposed to the war raging in the galaxy. A group of young clone cadets looked up with faces of shock and amazement as they spotted a Jedi General and Clone Captain fresh from the war. I waved down at the kids before Rex started us off again, continuing to show me around the facility's.

"Lyra, it's good to see you up and walking around" Shaak Ti smiled as she met us in the hallway. "Rex is showing you around I presume?"

"Yes" I nodded to her. "This place is truly incredible"

"Well, I'll let you both continue, I have a meeting with the council" With that the Jedi master was off again towards her office.

"Truly incredible? Huh?" Rex held in a laugh as he questioned my words.

"Incredibly creepy" I corrected, finishing my statement.

"That's fair" he nodded along.


"Miss Jayko, you are all set to return to Coruscant" Napa Se reported after another quick medical test.

"It's General Jayko" I corrected sternly, hopping off the table to walk out of the lab.

"Woah, slow your roll." Rex chased after me to catch up as I stormed down the hallway. "Since when do you correct people to use your rank?"

"Since Dr Nala Se seems to think I'm a child who can't care for myself" I pushed through the doors to our room and swiftly began packing my books.

"Our shuttle should be here in about twenty minutes" Rex announced.

"Thank the maker" I sighed, finally ready to go home and get away from Kamino. He simply laughed at my reaction before helping to pack up the few things we had taken.

"Next stop, Coruscant" Rex announced as I joined him in the cockpit, shuttle taking the jump to hyperspace.


"Lyra, you're back!" Anakin cheered as he entered the hallway of the Jedi temple to find me on my way to return my library books.

"Yeah, is there a mission?" I asked immediately, wanting desperately to go back to helping the war.

"Slow down there" he chuckled at my enthusiasm. "You just got back. I actually do need your help with something though"

"What is it?"

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