Chapter 14

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"Your awfully quiet, Lyra" Obi Wan noted from beside me in the bridge.

"It's just hard being back here when the last time I was fighting alongside my master who is now dead" I explained as I stared blankly into the space ahead.

"I cannot believe we're back here again either." Obi Wan commented to Ki Adi Mundi and I.

"It is unfortunate. The resistance from the native Geonosians was stronger than we anticipated." The other master told us his point of view over the return to Geonosis.

"The same can be said for their loyalty to Count Dooku." Kenobi added.

"A fact that is often overlooked." Mundi said.

"You're late." Obi Wan scolded Anakin and Ahsoka as they joined us.

"Sorry, Master, Ahsoka and I were busy routing the Seppies near Dorin." Anakin explained simply with a shrug.

"My squadron alone had 55 kills." Ahsoka bragged proudly.

"Yeah, but mine had 76." Anakin rubbed his victory in her face.

"Showoff." She shakes her head, standing beside me.

"Well you'll get your chance to win soon" I reminded the young Togruta.

"Well, I'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves." Obi Wan told them sarcastically, being serious as usual.

"Hey, it's just a little friendly competition, Master, nothing to worry about." Anakin shrugged at his former Master, taking a different way to teach Ahsoka.

"What I worry about is the way this war seems to be drawing out" my Master sighed. "with no end in sight."

"Which is why it is crucial our invasion of Geonosis meets with success." Mundi reminded the group.

"Agreed. Ahsoka, contact the Outer Rim Command. We're ready for our briefing." Anakin ordered his Padawan.

"They're already waiting for us." She reported back. We all walked back towards the holotable for the briefing from the council.

"Our ships are in position and we are ready to begin our campaign against the Geonosians." Obi Wan reported to the council over holocomm.

"And what about Poggle? Any report on his location?" Windu asked.

"It seems he's holed up at the primary droid foundry here. The factory is protected by a shield generator." Obi Wan began to explain the set up over another hologram of a map this time. "Anakin, Ki-Adi and I shall attempt a three-pronged attack through their defense lines to a staging area just short of the shield." My master continued to explain the plan to everyone. "Once we've landed, we shall knock out the shield generator. That is our primary target."

"Isn't it risky committing three generals to one area of the attack? If something went wrong, we could be dealt a serious blow." Chancellor Palapatine protested, voicing his opinion on our battle plans.

"To ensure that rise again Geonosis does not, capture Poggle we must." Yoda told him why we had planned this way.

"Of course. As always, I shall leave the strategy to you, Master Jedi." The Chancellor looked back to us.

"Our thanks, Chancellor." Obi Wan looked to him with a curt nod.

"May the Force be with you." Mace told us before ending the comm.

"Good. Cody, these are the coordinates for the rendezvous." I began to give out instructions to the other commander of the 212th as he entered with Captain Rex and Commander Jet.

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