Chapter 60

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"It's not looking too good" Kix explained to the group that had stayed, not wanting to admit the truth of how I was dying.

"Do whatever you can to help her" Anakin ordered before guiding a shocked Ahsoka out of the tent to comfort her. My eyes opened as Rex sat beside me in his chair, head hung low.

"You don't have to stay" I crocked out, using all of my strength.

"What?" His head shot up in shock that I was telling him this.

"You can go" I confirmed.

"I'm not leaving until you are healthy and on the battlefield again" he stated back with determination, leaning back in his chair to get comfortable.

"Very well then" I sighed, resting my eyes once again.

When I woke again there was a bright light shining into my eyes. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes, now knowing that I was no longer in the tent on the base.

"Where am I?" I managed to ask out to anyone who had been listening.

"You are in good hands. We have brought you on board the medical transport and you appear to be healing up well" Master Fisto spoke calmly with a smile. "How do you feel?"

"Much better"

"Would you like me to send the others in? They have been very worried for you"

"Yes, please" I smiled to the Jedi master as I wanted to see my friends as soon as possible and give them the relief to know I was going to be okay. He gave another small smile and nod before stepping out.

"Ahsoka, wait!" Anakin called as the girl ran in first.

"Lyra! You're okay!" She cheered at the sight of me with colour in my face and a smile on my lips.

"I am" I promised her happily, hating how I had worried them all. She rushed to my side and hugged me close with fear that this might not actually be real.

"I'm glad you're okay, Lyra" Anakin told me with a nod as he stood behind his Padawan.

"Master" I looked to Kenobi.

"You really scared us, Lyra" Obi Wan spoke softly.

"You can't kill me that easily" I reminded with a bit of Anakins attitude.

"That's a relief" Kenobi laughed slightly, easing the mood of the room.

"Come on, Ahsoka, let's leave her to rest. We can come back later" Anakin guided Ahsoka out of the room as she sent me a wave. Kenobi looked towards Rex who was standing shyly behind where Anakin once was before he looked to me and smirked.

"I'll leave you two" with that Obi Wan had left the room as well.

"Captain" I nodded.

"I'm so sorry, if I had just listened to you and helped you to look at he plants this never would have happened and you wouldn't have almost died" Rex started to ramble as he refused to look me in the eye, blaming himself.


"Please don't ever scare me like that again I don't know what I would do if—"

"Captain!" I cut him off with my rare but stern General tone. He looked up to me in shock and fear at my tone, stiffening in his spot to stand at attention as though I was in charge on the battlefield.

"This could have happened weather you helped look at the plants or not. I'm just glad I had you to take care of me and get me back to a medic" I told him with honesty.

"Of course, sir"


"Commander Jayko!" I turned to find Rex running towards me on our latest makeshift base on an outer rim planet.

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