Chapter 59

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"Lyra, care to join us?" Anakin called over to me as he and Ahsoka passed me in the temple hallway.

"What are you two up to?" I gave them a skeptical look, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Just training" Ahsoka shrugged calmly, but I knew she was up to something.

"Alright" I agreed with a nod, deciding I had nothing better to do with my day as there were no important missions. I followed the duo as they lead me out towards the clones barracks. "What are we doing out here?" I paused and looked to the Master-Padawan duo.

"We are training, now come on" Anakin pulled me along to turn the corner and see the men of the 501st training themselves. "Here" he tossed me two sticks that resembled my lightsabers. "Don't need to use the real ones and put the men in danger" Anakin explained his reasoning with a wink. I looked out at the troopers who I had fought alongside all lifting weights and doing push-ups until I was poked in the shoulder with a stick.

"Ready?" Ahsoka smirked, holding two of her own sticks.

"Let's do this" I replied, getting into position. I was moving flawlessly around her, blocking all of her attacks and striking a few of my own until a blond trooper caught my eye from the opposite side of the room and I was knocked down hard, falling to the ground.

"You alright there Jayko? You seem distracted" Anakin smirked with Ahsoka who let out a giggle as I grumbled and stood to my feet, picking up my 'sabers'.

"You planned this" I accused, pointing a stick at them both.

"Well maybe if you would stop gawking over Captain Rex we wouldn't be in this situation" The Padawan commented.

"I'm not gawking" I protested while twirling the two sticks to get a better grip. "Now let's go again" I took my sturdy stance.

"Oh no, you're going against me now" Anakin stepped in where Ahsoka once stood.

"Fine by me" I shrugged, holding the sticks prepared to fight. He didn't even give me a chance to strike before I was pushed back with the force, crashing into a troopers chest. "Oh no" I sighed, refusing to look as I could hear the two Jedi laughing from where I once was.

"General, are you okay?"

"Yes" I didn't even bother to look at Rex as I stormed back over to Anakin with a beat red face and determination set in my eyes.

"Run" he told Ahsoka quickly.

"Oh no, you don't" I threw the sticks in front of them as they tripped and crashed to the ground with a thud. "Really?" I stood over them, unimpressed as my hands were placed on my hips.

"You enjoyed it" Ahsoka taunted with a proud grin.

"You two are impossible" I groaned, throwing my hands up in the air and storming off to the temple again.

"What was that about?" Fives nudged Rex as he stared at my fleeting figure.

"I don't know" Rex shook his head slightly before going back to training.


"Rex, you and Lyra go scout out the path ahead for tomorrow and evaluate the separatist base" Anakin ordered out, all of us standing around our make shift set up.

"Yes, sir!" Rex started off as I moved to catch up with him. The two of us walked side by side in silence for a while, taking the hike up to get a look at the separatist base nearby. "Uh, sir? What are you doing?" Rex asked in confusion, watching as I looked around the beautiful planet with many plants.

"Inspecting the native plants to decide which ones we need to stay away from" I answered, looking over a bush of berrys.

"With all due respect, we should really be moving towards the base so that we can report back to the other generals as soon as possible"

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