Chapter 78

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"Kenobi needs our help and the council won't let us" Anakin marched around the hanger in thought while I watched him, sitting on some crates.

"And?" I pushed, knowing he had a point to make about his thoughts.

"And we can't just leave him out there alone. He said he needed more weapons right? So we bring they to him"

"Not a good idea. The council told us specifically not to do that" I stood in protest calmly, not worried for Obi Wan as I knew he could handle himself.

"What if we aren't the ones delivering it" he suggested.

"Where are you going with this?"

"We both know a pirate who would most likely help us out"

"Oh no, bad idea" I immediately turned it down.

"Do you have a better one? That's what I thought, now come on" he walked over to his shuttle and I reluctantly followed, giving him backup in case things went south like they usually do.

"This is the place" I announced. Landing the shuttle we walked off to half a dozen pirates aiming their blasters at us. "Great plan" I sarcastically snapped back at Anakin.

"Just go with it" he mumbled back.

"Ah, Jedi!" Hondo cheered, walking out in front of his men and pushing down their blasters. "Let's hear them out"

"Master Kenobi is in need of reinforcements and weapons but the republic refuses to give them to him. We have come to see if you would help smuggle weapons to him in the battle" I spoke out for him to hear.

"Kenobi" the pirate gasped. "I remember now! You're Kenobi's little Padawan" he laughed, walking over and ruffling my hair as I swatted him away.

"I'm a General now" I stood proudly.

"Ah, they grow up so fast" he fake cried to Anakin. "I'll help you" he decided strongly with the nod of his head.

"Good, here are the coordinates, Obi Wan will meet you there to pick up the supplies." Anakin handed over the coordinates. Hondo promised to deliver the supplies to Kenobi while waving us off to leave again.


"The strangest thing happened on my mission" Obi Wan started the story when he returned to the temple. "Hondo showed up and delivered more supplies to help us fight back against the droids, they even blew up the separatist base."

"Really?" Anakin acted as though we had nothing to do with this plan.


"You look awful" I commented, sitting across from Rex who was seated away from his brothers, nose deep in a data pad and not even eating his food. I got no response in return and waved a hand in front of his face. "Rex? Hello?"

"Oh, General!" He sharply looked up and stiffened to attention.

"Relax" I waved off his stiff behavior, continuing to eat my meal..

"What are you doing? What do you need?"

"Nothing, I just came to eat with you, noticing you were still working" I answered with a shrug.

"Oh, yeah. I have a lot of work from Skywalker" the tired captain sighed, lowering his head slightly.

"I can talk to him about it" I gave an idea.


"Okay, well I could help you with it" I have a second idea and he didn't seem so opposed to it.

"No, you don't need to do that" He shook his head after thinking it over.

"What are you even working on?" I took the data pad from him while he was caught off guard. "Training report, mission casualties, medical reports, battle plans" I started to read off the list. "Rex these aren't just for you to work on." I told him seriously, seeing how he was filing reports for everyone in the 501st battalion.

"But General Skywalker gave them to me to work on specifically" he explained to me.

"He probably didn't think it needed to be explained that you were supposed to give out the work."

"But what would I have to give out for work?"

"Kix could do the medical reports as he is the medic in the 501st. You would have to do the training report and General Skywalker can help you with battle plans or even Fives, he is an ARC trooper for a reason"

"Thanks for your help" he smiled at me.

"Of course, now eat your dinner before I give this back" I waved the data pad in his face before setting it beside me, making sure he took care of himself first.


Question of the day: what do you think of Lyra helping Rex with his work?

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