Chapter 68

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"It would be wise if you would let me go." I demanded, being held in a forcefield behind Hondo in his bar back on his home planet.

"No, it would be unprofitable if I would let you go, and why would I do something as shortsighted as that?" He responded, thinking only about the money in this situation.

"If you don't let me go, you will wish you had been born a protocol droid." I threatened.

"Sometimes I do anyway. But you are really in no position to make threats, young lady. You look stressed. Are you thirsty? A drink, perhaps?" He shook a glass in front of me tauntingly. Pulling my face away from the cup, I sent him a glare and he backed off slightly.

"You know the Republic won't pay a ransom for me, and the Separatists can't be trusted. They'll betray you and kill us both."

"Yes, I know this, my dear. The Separatists are no friends of mine. Don't ask me why, but Dooku holds such a grudge against me since our little 'I held him hostage' affair. Pah! The truth is, I have my sights set on more nefarious criminals than I, a businessman who will pay handsomely for a Jedi." He walked in circles around me while explaining his plan for me. "A female Jedi at that."

"You don't scare me, Hondo." I stated calmly.

"Ooh!" His men gasped.

"Oh, by the way. They don't care if you're dead or alive. I mean, I prefer alive. Less messy. But I find my moods so changeable these days." He comments, making me hold back any snappy comments.


"Where is my Jedi? I would hate for her to miss the show" Hondo stated as I was brought out into the outside where a travelling act was waiting to preform. "which I'm hoping will be better than last time. Excellent. Let the show begin!" Hondo cheered, obviously drunk.

"Ah, yes, of course. May I present the, uh, Animal Instincts." The man started his show.

"Oh, no." I sighed at the sight before me of the five youngling's in costume. "Really Ahsoka?" I asked myself as she was left in charge of them in my absence.

"I love a kiddie act." Hondo laughed as we watched them do tricks and flips to entertain the pirates. "What is this business?" Hondo awkwardly asked as Petro held his hand out to him. I watched carefully, wondering what their plan was.

"I believe he wants you to, uh, be a part of the next stunt." The man in charge of the show guessed.

"Oh, does he now?" The pirate laughed.

"Come with us." Two Twilek women told him.

"Which one of you said that?" He laughed standing up. "I may not be as young as I once was, but I'm older!"

"Stand right here." They instructed.

"Who wants to see Hondo's moves?" He cheered out. I watched as Katooni stealthily stole my sabers off him in the midst of her own trick.

"You guys shouldn't be here." I scolded her as she snuck over to me, nobody else noticing.

"Don't worry. We have a plan. I think." She said. We looked over as one youngling jumped onto the plank Hondo was on and launched him into the air.

"I am flying!" Hondo cheered before crashing into a stall.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not again." Man in charge panicked, rushing off to hide.

"Where's Ahsoka?" I questioned as Katooni used my sabers to cut my bindings and handed me them.

"She stayed back with the ship and Ganodi" she explained.

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