Chapter 96

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"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."

"You found it?" I asked as a beep sounded out. My eyes shot open as I looked to the screen, seeing the chip inside his head. "R7, get him under and remove that thing. I don't know if it will work, but if it doesn't, we're dead anyway." I reminded, rushing to stand ready for anything. I watched as Rex was placed into the machine, it whirring around his head as the surgery began.

"Go! Go!" Clones order from outside.

"Get ready on the door." Ahsoka ordered her droids. Pulling out our sabers the two of us stood ready for a fight in front of the table. The door pulled up, opening. Blasters fired out at us while we worked to deflect the shots, Ahsoka in front and me closer to the back. I pushed them back with the force to give us a second to breathe. Unknown to us Rex was waking up beside us when another shot hit my armored shoulder, knocking me back into the table. "The door. G-G, the door!" Ahsoka shouted to the droid. Suddenly troopers fell to the ground, shots coming from behind us before the door was closed shut.

Turning around with shock I saw Rex looking distraught, blasters in hand and aimed over my shoulders at where his brothers had stood. A white patch sat on the side of his head, signaling the missing inhibitor chip.

"Rex? Are you okay?" I asked carefully, not wanting to push too far.

"Yeah. Yeah, Lyra. I'm okay." He lowered his blasters with a sigh and slight chuckle at his survival. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I shot you" He noted holding the side of his head while swinging his legs off the side of the table. "I almost killed you." He remembered sadly.

"It wasn't you" I reminded him gently.

"How widespread is this?" Ahsoka inquired about the size of the problem.

"Ahsoka, it's all of us. The entire Grand Army of the Republic has been ordered to hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights." Rex explained the situation to us darkly. Looking to the door we noticed they had began to cut through again. "How are we gonna get out of here?" Rex focused on our next problem, putting his helmet back on.

"I have an idea." Ahsoka stated, but not sharing any more information with us.

"Which is?" Rex inquired, readying his blasters.

"Just set those things to stun. We're not trying to kill anyone." I reminded Rex.

"Yeah, well, tell that to them." He commented, doing as I told him. "They're almost through." Rex warned us both, watching the door as his brothers cut through.

"Wait. Wait." I started, staring at the door intensely and waiting for the right moment. "Now!" We used the force to push the door back into them, sending a few back with it. Rex stunned the three who had remained in the doorway before more came rushing towards us.

We all worked in perfect unison to deflect blasts and stun troopers. I once again pushed a trooper back into another when one had snuck up behind me and punched me in the face as his blaster had been cut by Ahsoka. Holding my jaw I turned back to see Rex punch him back before stunning him and turning to me.

"Are you hurt?" Rex reached out for my face, but decided against it, pulling back. I simply shook my head in response, moving my hand away from my jaw and shaking away the pain.

"R7, find us a path out of here." Ahsoka ordered to receive beeps in return. The doors shut off incoming clones as the path was cleared.

"All right. Now what?" Rex asked as we put away our sabers and the droids rolled out, leading the way.

"The escape pods have been destroyed. Taking a shuttle is our best bet." I told him starting to walk with Ahsoka and the droids when Rex stumbled into one of his brothers laying on the ground.

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