𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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      "all right, are we ready for warm-ups? let's go!" bombay exclaimed, walking into the locker room in a suit with his hair all slicked back. reverie resisted the urge to make a very rude joke and instead opted to silently laugh.

      adam and reverie have not said anything to each other since the mall. reverie refused to speak to him and any time he would try to talk to her, she would walk the other way to avoid him.

      "nice jacket. did you get two pairs of pants with that?" averman questioned, making everyone laugh. reverie was stood with dean, his arm casually draped around her shoulder. he slowly dragged her with him and fulton to go and talk to coach.

      "have a good night last night, coach?" fulton asked with a sweet smile.

      "yeah, it was fine," bombay responded.

      "what'd you do?" dean questioned further.

      "i, you know, just watched some tv, got to bed early," bombay responded casually.

      "but not without a little dessert, right?" dean asked passive aggressively then walked away with reverie.

      "what was that all about?" she asked, extremely confused.

      "nothing to worry your pretty, little head about," he responded, while ruffling her hair. she quickly smacked his hand away and smiled at him before going to grab her gear. she could feel someone's gaze on her and turned around. she looked around the locker room for a moment before making eye contact with adam. reverie gave him and harsh glare then stormed out of the locker room.

      adam couldn't help but feel jealous when he was watching dean and reverie. if he could have it another way, he would. he didn't mean to upset her and he felt extremely bad about what he said, but that doesn't matter anymore. he already blurted it out. he decided he would try to talk to her after the game that day.

      after warm-up, the team got into a brief huddle before skating out onto the ice. reverie was one of the first out onto the ice. she was face-to-face with the pretty iceland boy she had met the other day, einer.

      "we meet again, miss. callas," einer said in his rich icelandic voice. she gave him a little smirk.

      "hello einer," she said in a sweet voice. the puck was dropped and she had almost won the face off when dean came over and pushed einer down. 

      "you ran at him, unprovoked," the ref said before dean pushed him down, "calm down, son. you're out of the game."

      "you're throwing him out? you can't do that. it's three seconds into the game!" bombay yelled from the bench.

      iceland quickly gained the puck and scored a goal. iceland was pushing a shoving everyone around. reverie almost got knocked down by one of the iceland boys, but narrowly dodged it. 

      "dwayne, pass!" she yelled, but the boy was not listening and proceeded to get knocked down by two of the iceland team members. reverie was about to go help him up when she got checked into the boards by one of the bigger kids on the iceland team. she immediately went down. the ref stopped the game and a bunch of her team members came out to see her. she had hurt her knee really bad and couldn't walk. she was taken off the ice and put on the bench.

      "okay, we're going to take you to the locker room and assess your knee," one of the doctors who was checking out her knee said.

      "no! you can check it after the game. i want to be out here in case i absolutely need to play," she told the guy who then nodded and set her down onto the bench. reverie looked over at coach who looked to be extremely stressed out over the game.

𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚝 // 𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚖 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 (𝟷)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora