Perfect Timing...

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In sync
It's impossible to hear myself think
My thoughts
Your thoughts
But distinct
We think the same things
That's why it's impossible to change things
I'm holding myself back
Gotta keep on track
I can't keep getting distract
By you
Your perfectly balanced energy
The way you see straight into me
Your my life in a tragedy
Pushed down
I let it out
But it's not the right time now
I spiral out of control
I find myself in that familiar hole
What am I doing here
Soft light illuminates my face
I know I shouldn't
But I need some distraction from this place
Every word fries my brain
And brings me more pain
It gets harder and harder to concentrate
And even harder to look away
My thoughts slip away
You always know exactly what to say
To get me right out of this place
And right back to where I was before...

No progress was made...
Just threw some more dirt on top of the hole

Metaphors from Mars (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now